Chapter 35 - He's gone

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Lisa's POV

We got to the hospital.

"He must have done this when I was gone, I could of swan he left, I mean I saw him shut the door" Rachel said.

"It's fine, at least I've got them back" I smiled. I looked at the scars over Hunter's legs. She was loosing blood. She couldn't even feel it though. How cruel can someone be?

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked the doctor

"Yes, after being bandaged up and a few days in hospital"

"What about Louis?"

"I'm sorry to say this but he isn't as lucky, his cut were deeper, he was also hit on the head somehow, causing him to slowly go into a coma" I started to cry and I didn't stop for a long time.

Christina's POV

"Christina! It's 1 am, why aren't you home??" Nick said

"You might wanna come to the nearest hospital, it's not me its Hunter and Louis, I'll explain everything" I said and the went back to Lisa.

She sat by Hunter's, still sobbing quietly to herself.

"This is all my fault" she said

"It's not Lisa, things happen" I said, hugging my little sister.

Lisa's POV

I went into Louis' room. He lay there, barely looking alive. I shivered at the thought of it.

Suddenly the machine started beeping loudly. The doctors rushed in. Needles and all. They told me to leave.

After about half an hour one of the doctors came out.

"We managed to stable him, this is unusual so we're taking done tests"

I nodded, still crying. Some of the family arrived.

"Where's mom?" I asked

"She stayed with the kids" Lauren explained. I thought back to what Rick had said "Shame your baby sister told on me"

Baby sister? Dani? She never really became herself again. She never told me anything. She was so quiet.

"Dani?" I said sitting next to her, she looked up from staring at the floor.

"Yeah?" She said quietly.

"Did you say anything to anyone about Rick?" I asked

She looked down again.

"Why Dani? Do you really hate me that much?" I cried. She didn't say anything, I don't understand her anymore.

"It's Owen, he made me like this! Now I don't know how to change!"

"Owen? That guy you used to hang out with?"

"Yeah, he started acting violent, he controlled my every move, he finally moved away a few years ago but I just can't forget it, I get angry, do things without thinking. I have anxiety, bipolar. I'm so sorry Lisa!" She ran away.

"Dani!" I shouted, running after her. I caught up with her, grabbing her arm.

"Please don't hurt me!!" She sobbed.

"'s not your fault, Rick was bound to destroy my life no matter what, he does every time he comes back into my life" I said hugging her.

"Lisa! Dani!" Amy called. We walked back up the corridor. There was a doctor there.

"I'm sorry to say this but Louis has been poisoned, it was too late to save him, it had gotten to his heart before we could figure out what was going on"

I fell to the floor, crying and crying. It's all I'd done that night.

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