Chapter 4 - Ultrasound

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Lisa's POV

Today is the ultrasound. I'm kinda excited but nervous.

"Lisa Cimorelli" a lady called

I stood up along with my sisters Christina, Amy and Katherine, the rest of my family didn't know about the miscarriage yet.

"Okay so let's take a look"

She put the gel onto my bump, it was so cold, I laughed a bit.

"The baby looks healthy, would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes please"

"You're having a little girl"

I smiled at the thought of it, it felt so wrong but so right.

I wonder what I'll name her, I start thinking of all my favourite girl names Maxine, Hunter, Jessica, Lisa, Jordan, Isabella, Gisella, Julia, Brooke (this is from what she said on Tumblr). Well I obviously can't call her Lisa because that would so confusing haha. Maybe Isabella? Or maybe Julia, I do love the name Maxine or maybe, okay I really don't know

I'm getting out the hospital in 1 days, I guess I gotta speak to my parents then.

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