Chapter 8 - Going to California

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Lisa's POV

I carried Hunter downstairs, she'd been restless all night now it was 7 am and we had to go on a plane.

"Sorry baby but you've gotta get dressed and have food before you can sleep again" I whispered to her, even though she was a week and 3 days old, she didn't have a clue.

"I can't wait to go on this plane" I said sarcastically to Christina

"Don't worry about it, if people are that bothered they can put ear plugs in, they're pretty dumb if they don't get that she's a newborn and she can't help it, it's only an hour and a half"

I nodded, finally she was dressed and I fed her. I left her to sit in her chair, one of those new born ones with little toys hanging. I went to get ready, by the time I was down we had to leave.

This will be a good break.

*later on*

Hunter cried quite a bit but she settled near the end and then fell asleep.

"Hey Lisa" Nick said

"Hey Nick" I smiled, we hugged then we left the airport. I sat in the back of nick's truck with my daughter.

I found myself on Twitter after months, it was exploding with tweets.

So many

Lisa come back!

Lisa where are you??

At least come online!

Why the heck would you leave the band?! You're such a bitch, I always knew you were

Lisa it isn't the same without you, we miss you!

Wow, I feel bad for leaving like that but they have no idea.

So I tweeted

Lisacim: guys I'm sorry I left and haven't been online I might explain it soon, I'm not sure, sorry about this xx

Some people were nice about it, some were angry saying they at least deserve an explanation, they do.

"Hey Christina do you think I should tell the fans soon?" I asked

"Yeah well if you want to"

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