Chapter 27 - one heck of a day

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*6 years later*

Lisa's POV

I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled to myself, last night was surly the best night ever.

"Mom you're burning the pancakes!" Hunter said. I panicked and flipped it over in the hot pan.

"What were you doing anyway?" She asked

"Well I have some news..." I lifted up my hand

"Yes!" She hugged me "you have no idea how long I've waited for this!"

I laughed "okay now go to the table sweetie" she nodded and wheeled herself over. Hunter's 9 now, she's growing up fast. She plays wheelchair basketball and not to brag but she's definitely one of the best on the team.

"Morning babe" Louis walks in

"Good morning" I hug him maybe for a little too long.

"Mom, pancakes, remember?" I hear hunter say

"Shh you're as sassy as Christina" we all laugh. I put the pancakes on the table and we eat.

Later on I go upstairs. We moved into this house 4 years ago, I was considering moving into a one story house but then I got this really good job and Louis did as well. So we got an elevator in the house. She can move around easily.

"Are you nearly ready?" I asked

"I can't go" she panicked

"Why sweetheart?" I ask, kneeling down to her.

"These girls keep making fun of me and pushing my chair so I loose control" she tells me, I could see it in her eyes that she was close to crying but didn't want to.

"Hunter you know I've always told you if you aren't enjoying public school anymore I'll homeschool you, it's fun, trust me"

"But you had loads of siblings when you were homeschooled" she replies

"I know baby but let's just say maybe in the future. Me and Dad have been talking about it"

"Yay!!! Best day ever!!"

"I'll call in school so you can stay home and then I'll start organising your homeschooling if you want"

She nodded. All my siblings are in their 20's and 30's now which is crazy. Christina has a 5 year old daughter called Jade, a 3 year old son called Aiden and another boy on the way.

An hour later I got a call from my mom. We talk sometimes but we're no where as near close as we once were, same with my dad and brothers.

"Hey Lisa, are you free next week and then the week following?" She asked

"I don't know, I'll check, why?"

"Well I'm hoping everyone can stay here, have a couple weeks, I miss all the loudness" she chuckled

I laughed "I know how you feel mom, I'll clear my schedule"

"Thanks Lise, is everyone doing good over there?" She asked

"Yeah, Hunter's gonna start home schooling because of some issues at school and also something pretty big happened last night..."

"C'mon tell me" My Mom said happily, I missed this.

"I got engaged!"

"oh my gosh I'm so happy for you, I know Louis is the right guy!"

"Thank mom, I'll talk to you again later"

I'm a piano teacher so I'll have to cancel my lessons for the next two weeks and somehow fit them in another time or pay them back. It's gonna take a lot of phone calls but I'll get through them. I have 7 days to sort it out.

"I'm leaving now babe" Louis said

"Okay have fun Lou" I kiss him "also are you free next week and the week after?" I asked

"As a matter of fact because of all the other time I do I can book a holiday in for then, why?"

"My mom invited everyone over to Nashville"

"That house is gonna be crazy!" He laughed

"I know! But I can't wait! also Hunter's being bullied at school and doesn't want to go anymore" I said on more of a serious note.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I'm gonna start homeschooling her, I mean I think it will work out, it will be like when I was little. I remember I used to do my school work and then sit under the piano whilst my mom taught" I smiled

"And you're still as cute now" he smiled

"Anyway I'm gonna end up making you late! We'll talk more about this later. See you" we hugged and shared one last kiss and then Louis left. This is one heck of a day, in a good way, mostly.

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