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"Luke, come here!" Ashton yelled up the stairs, he wasn't expecting this particular housemate to come downstairs but he needed to tell him something.

"Do I have to?" Luke yelled back. He really didn't want to leave his room. He was comfortable sitting on his bed and scrolling through Twitter on his phone. He was also extremely hung-over and had a killer headache. Ashton's loud yelling made the blonde wince.

"Come down stairs, you fat ass!" Ashton yelled and Luke winced again.

The tall blonde groaned and rolled off the bed and landed with a thud. He pushed himself up and stumbled down the stairs. It was way too early for him to be moving around a lot and he just wanted to sleep.

"Are you drunk?" Ashton asked looking up from his computer and took in Luke's appearance. His hair was laying flat on his forehead, it was greasy from not being washed recently, and he had only a pair of sweatpants on, lowly tied to his hips.

"I wish. Hungover," Luke groaned flopping down into the chair next to him, he knew Ashton was going to be angry over him getting drunk but he didn't care at the moment.

"You know you're not supposed to be drinking so much. You'll get us all yelled at again," Ashton muttered, his voice was stern and Luke knew if he wasn't hungover, he would've yelled.

"We're on a week break. I'll be fine once tour starts again. I won't drink I promise," the taller boy whined, throwing an arm around Ashton as he leaned his head against his shoulder.

Ashton just shook his head and turned his attention back to his computer. He was looking at something but Luke couldn't tell what.

"Why did you call me down?" Luke asked slightly annoyed, he just wanted to go back to do nothing.

"Management sent us a link of our new opening act. They're really good," Ashton said smiling. This caught Luke's attention. Their last opening act wasn't the best and they were very rude towards not only the band that was bringing them on tour, but each other. Then the whole lead singer and drummer shit happened and the boys knew they had to go. This was the only reason they had a week break, they had to postpone the tour because of it. They had to find a new opening act and fast.

"What's their name?" Luke asked,

"Once Upon a Reject," Ashton responded.

"That sounds like some wannabe All-American Reject bullshit," Luke grumbled and Ashton just shrugged his shoulders, obviously not wanting to offend the new band.

"Are any of them gay or something?" Luke asked.

"Actually, the lead singer is and then the drummer is lesbian," Ashton said and Luke suddenly became interested, Luke was bisexual so he had a chance with the lead singer, as long as he was cute of course.

"Oh really?" Luke asked with a smirk on his face, Ashton immediately rolled his eyes at his band mate, of course he'd do that.

"No. No. No. He's off limits, Hemmings," Ashton said and Luke slightly frowned, he just wanted a permanent tour hookup, nothing else.

"Why?" Luke asked still frowning.

"Because if you screw him over, you screw us over. We can't keep delaying the tour to find a new opening act," Ashton said huffing, he just thought that Luke needed to get it through his thick skull that he couldn't sleep with everything that breathes.

"Fine," Luke sighed, frowning at the persistence of his friend.

Luke looked at the YouTube page their management had sent them and one cover caught Luke's attention.

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