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Everything was going well until Luke had to mention Michael's breakdown over Skype, almost taunting him, and now Michael wasn't talking. Luke hadn't even noticed what he had said.

"Michael, are you okay?" Ashton asked turning towards him and wrapping his arms around the small boy, "You haven't said a word in ten minutes."

"Yeah, I'm fine," he breathed out. Michael got up to get a snack from the mini bar.

"No, you're not. Tell us what's wrong," Luke said grabbing a pack of almonds.

He was shaking badly and seemed dazed. They had hung up with his band members a few moments before and they seemed really cool. They had told Michael that he had to perform an acoustic show by himself tomorrow. Luke could see why he was terrified.

"I'm fucking okay, Luke. Stop worrying about me," Michael snapped. Luke was starting to wonder how his band members could live with him.

"Fucking Christ, you're difficult," Luke muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean? If you're going to say something about me at least say it to my face," Michael said and by the redness coming to his face, Luke could tell he was getting frustrated.

"If you could stop being a bitc-" Luke started but was cutoff by Ashton.

"I'm stopping you right there, mate," Ashton cut in before anything else hurtful could be said.

"He started it," Luke muttered.

"That would be an incorrect statement," Michael said from the other side of the room.

"You know what? You both need to atop. You're being very disrespectful to each other and I feel like I'm with a bunch of five year olds instead of teenagers," Ashton scolded.

Luke opened his mouth but Ashton motioned for him to not talk.

"I'm taking Michael to his room and you can stay here because you obviously can't act like mature adults together," Ashton sighed.

He picked Michael's stuff up and helped the small boy up.

"I'm taking his stuff first and then him, so please watch him and I'll be back in a minute," Ashton said.

"I'd rather die," Luke mused. Ashton glared at him.

"You're an asshole, you know that right?" Michael asked from where he was sitting. Luke could see that the other boy's eyes were tearing up a bit. Ashton gave him one last look of concern and then left the room.

"Only for you," Luke winked at him and he gave the blonde a look of disgust.

"Please think through what you say, your stupidity might be contagious," Michael said.

"Bitch," Luke muttered.

"Asswipe," Michael muttered from his side of the room.

"Good, you guys didn't kill each other," Ashton said walking in.

"You could've just given it a few minutes," Michael hinted.

"I think it's time we leave," Ashton said. He walked to where Michael was and picked him up like a fucking princess. At least that's what Luke thought. Michael didn't need to be babied.

"I'll be staying in Michael's room tonight," Ashton said.

"Like I give a fuck," Luke sighed.

Ashton gave the blonde a final glare and left the room turning on his heel.

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