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The white gauze felt rough against his skin. It itches so badly but Michael knew that he couldn't pick at the scabs and stitches that littered his forearms. He walked up to the desk but turned around quickly to see his band mates, 5 Seconds of Summer, and his family watching him. They all had banners and balloons written with congratulatory words that normally would make Michael feel so so so embarrassed. 

He was finally checking himself into the mental  hospital and his supporters were so proud.

He had gone to the two weeks that were mandatory after his attempt but he felt like it wasn't enough. Michael wanted real help. Not some state-mandatory

Michael signed the final form that he had to before he walked back to his friends and family and slowly started saying his goodbyes. He'd be  staying for six months. He wasn't going to cheat his way around it this time. Michael was going to get real help.

His band had dropped out of the tour and did it immediately once they saw the state Michael was in. His happiness came before their career. They weren't going to let their best friend kill himself over tour. They wanted him to be at a state of mental peace.

Michael hugged Damien first, then Lacey, and finally Calum. Calum was a sobbing mess as he clung onto his best friend. He was so proud of Michael. He watched his best friend hurt himself for years and he was finally going to get the help he needed.

Calum squeezed his best friend tightly once more before letting him move onto the other band members. Michael moved onto Jack and Connor next. He was pretty close to them after being on tour for so long and they told him that they'd remain part of his support system while he was away. Michael found it endearing and made sure to hug the two before finally getting to Ashton.

He was kind of scared because Ashton was the last one that he had lied to. He had told him that he wasn't hurting himself but it was just so that Ashton would leave him alone. Ashton reached around the small boy and brought him close. Michael greedily hugged him back and made sure to hold the boy closely. Ashton wasn't mad. He probably was but he wasn't showing it.

"You lied," Ashton stated, "but I understand. I'm so proud of you Michael. Please don't think I'd ever be mad at you."

Michael felt a few tears go down his cheeks as he heard Ashton's words. They were so sentimental as he squeezed the older boy tighter.

Ashton pulled away and sent the small boy onto his family. His stepdad and mum quickly embraced him, whispering words of encouragement as he squeezed his parents tightly. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he saw his mum cry her heart out. She had watched her son hate himself and hurt himself for years and that was never anything she wanted to see as a mum. She just wanted her son to be happy.

He said his final goodbyes to his parents and wiped at his eyes quickly as he went to the final person in the line of people saying goodbye.

Luke was standing there, looking down at his black vans and was fiddling his thumbs. Michael thought that the boy honestly looked adorable, he seemed so nervous and shy and Michael found it endearing.

Michael slowly walked up to him and wrapped his arms around Luke gently. Luke melted into his touch and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy as well. He nuzzled his face into the black-haired boy's neck and allowed for him to just embrace the boy for a final time before he left for awhile.

"I'm so proud of you," Luke murmured, his lips brushing against Michael's pale skin.

"Thanks for finding me. Or else you wouldn't be able to be saying that," Michael said, burying himself- if possible- into Luke's scent.

He was going to deeply miss the blonde. Luke had never given up on him and that was he support system that Michael needed. He had it from his friends and family and Luke.

"Don't say that. Someone would've found you in time. It just happened to be me. I'm so so proud of you Michael. Most people don't admit that you need help but you finally have and I'm so proud because of that. I can't wait to see you when I walk out. You're a beautiful person inside and out and I can't wait for you to finally see it yourself," Luke whispered, pressing a light kiss to Michael's check, "I can kiss you in front of your parents, right?"

Michael chuckled at the blonde's question. It didn't surprise him. They wouldn't see each other for another six months and Luke was okay with that. Michael was getting help and he didn't want to impede on that.

Michael didn't respond to the other boy's question but moved so that their lips were touching. Luke kissed Michael deeply and pressed the small boy against him tighter. He didn't want to let go for the time being but he knew he had to. Michael deserved it. He deserved it so much.

"I'm going to miss you," Michael said, once the two pulled away.

"I'll write you a letter every week and make sure it gets sent out to you," Luke said smiling.

Michael nodded his head and pressed his lips to Luke's once more.

"Michael Clifford? We're ready to take you back now," a soft voice spoke, breaking the two apart.

Michael turned around to see a small, brunette nurse smiling at him. She had a clipboard and Michael moved to her to see what she had to say.

The nurse explained how he could say goodbye to his family but he would then have to go past the white, wooden doors that led further into the facility.

He listened to what she said and when she finished he finally turned around and said goodbye to his family. He was embraced in a group hug and he tried to hug as many people as he could at once. Michael said his final goodbyes, including hugging everyone again and then kissing Luke goodbye.

He wouldn't be seeing his family for at least another two months and his friends for another six. His family could visit but his friends couldn't. Michael figured it would be best.

"Let's go back now," the nurse said, smiling warmly at the boy.

Michael grabbed his two suitcases and followed her behind the white wooden doors. He didn't look back, knowing if he did that he'd start crying again. He was finally putting himself first and he loved it.


This is the final chapter besides the epilogue. I've been writing this story since the eighth grade and started editing it because I liked the plot too much to say goodbye. It started off a bit rough but I feel like it got decently better. It used to be a hetero Calum story called Two Pieces lol. Thank you so much for following me throughout this journey and supporting me along the way! I hope you continue to follow me on my writing journey and I love you all so much! Xx


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