epilogue pt. one

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Nervous fingers met the wood of the table, tapping an urgent pattern onto the smooth surface. A certain S-O-S synchronization came from the rapid movements as Luke waited in the lobby of the rehabilitation center. He was so nervous.

He'd be seeing Michael for the first time in six months and he was petrified that the small boy wouldn't want to see him. He had stayed in contact with the boy, the two constantly sending letters back and forth, but he had no idea how it'd be in person. Luke was currently the only one waiting but all of their friends were waiting in Michael's home, waiting for his return.

From what Luke had read, Michael was making serious improvements. He was six months and some days clean and he had gained some weight, making him no longer underweight.

He had a solid four minutes before Michael walked out and he felt like he was going to throw up. He felt so anxious and he didn't understand why he was. It's not like Michael could've met anyone else that he would replace Luke with. In the last letter Michael wrote him, he promised that he loved him. It was last week and that put the blonde on edge. He was just waiting to say it in person. They had gotten so close in the six months and Luke had let down his walls to the small boy. Luke cared so much for him, it almost hurt him knowing that he couldn't see him.

It managed not to hurt him throughout the time because Luke knew Michael needed the help and he was finally getting it. Luke was so fucking proud of him.

He was honestly scared that Michael didn't mean it as well. Michael was supposed to be focusing on himself, not Luke. He did care for and love Michael but was scared that Michael wasn't truly reciprocating the feelings.

Luke groaned, placing his face into his hands and tugged at the loose blonde strands that seemed to fall frustratingly on his forehead. The blonde kept his focus on the floor until he heard the door open.

He quickly looked up and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the now light-blue haired boy making his way through the same double doors Luke had seen him enter six months prior. Michael was smiling widely and he looked so much more relaxed, an easy grin gracing his lips. He looked so angelic, a loose white shirt clinging to his torso as he talked to the nurse that was leading him out.

Luke watched as Michael's eyes scanned the room until they landed on him. Michael's grin widened, if possible, before he started taking off towards Luke's area. The blonde stood up and Michael made sure that Luke had his arms opened wide. He jumped into them and wrapped his legs around the tall boy's torso.

Luke held the small boy closely as they enjoyed each other's in person presence for the first time in months.

"I love you," Michael's soft voice whispered, making Luke squeeze him tighter.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked, his voice having a sense of vulnerability that Michael wasn't sure Luke could have. Luke was always blunt but he seemed like a scared child. The blue-haired boy looked into Luke's eyes and tried to see any hint of teasing but all he got was innocent (which was very inaccurate) blue eyes looking back at him.

Past Michael would've taken Luke's question offensive and would've wondered why he didn't say the words back but Present Michael understood that not everyone would reciprocate his same feelings and that was okay.

In the mental hospital, he went through, what felt like thousands, of classes about self help and what he could do to cope with the bad days. He learned that loving himself was important and that putting one's health always came first, not someone else's health. Michael was doing okay and that was a million times better than before.

"You were there for me these past six months Luke and you made sure I was always okay, even if I was having a bad week. You didn't give up on me and you called me cute. You're so caring about everyone and you understand me completely. Of course I do," Michael responded, "I can't really explain it but I care about you so much."

Luke smiled widely at what the small boy had said and responded by kissing the boy in his arms. He had missed Michael so much and it felt so surreal. Michael smiled into the kiss and then started giggling when Luke accidentally rubbed his side, making him squirm and laugh at the feeling.

"I love you too," Luke whispered out, "And I will always be here for you. I haven't loved someone since I lived in Australia and it's so weird having these feelings. I don't know where this might go but I want you to know that I will be here for you even if this ends horribly. This is so new for both of us and I don't know what we are but I like being with you."

"I'm okay with that," Michael answered. And it was true.

Michael felt as if he had grown so much as a person and he could finally take care of himself. He wasn't happy all the time but he knew how to calm himself down or who to call if he needed help. He had such a strong support system in and out of the mental health facility, that he knew he was cared for and that was so hard for him to believe before. Michael was finally okay, having his bad and good days, but he was okay with that.

He had his friends, family, fans and a maybe boyfriend, that would be there for him but most importantly he had a new trust in himself and a new perspective of life and he could see how incredible he truly was and that was so important. Michael now had so much more to be excited about. Not just being on a stage.


One part to the epilogue left and it's over after :-(


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