eighteen +

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+ means smut ;-) just saying in case you feel uncomfortable with sex. you won't miss much


Michael loved being roughly shoved against their rented house's wall by one very dominant Luke Hemmings. He didn't think that Luke would be so rough but Michael definitely loved it. The black-haired boy moved one of his hands from Luke's hair and moved it to the door handle that was nudging his spine.

He pressed down on the handle and allowed the door to swing open. They pulled apart and both boys made their way inside before reconnecting their lips. Michael was then picked up and thrown on the bed, Luke quickly climbing on top of him.

"You're so hot, baby boy," Luke whispered, starting his descent down and nipping at Michael's neck.

Michael let out shallow whimpers and Luke felt as if he was listening to the most angelic sounds that he had ever heard.

"Or do you prefer kitten?" Luke asked softly, biting down on Michael's exposed collar bone. Michael's whimper turned into a moan at the pet name and Michael knew he had chosen the right name.

"Yes Luke," Michael moaned out, moving his fingers to start unbuttoning Luke's black button-up.

Michael moved his fingers swiftly and nimbly to remove the fabric and soon the black fabric was on the floor. It was so nice seeing Luke's broad shoulders up close and he loved seeing Luke's freckled skin above him. Luke followed Michael's movements and Michael's flannel, well Luke's, was on the floor.

Michael ran his fingers down Luke's back, waiting for the boy to do something else than just kiss him sloppily. Luke noticed Michael's neediness and started moving his groins so that they were getting their desired friction. Michael moaned loudly at the movement, making Luke press his lips harshly against Michael's again. He didn't need anyone walking in because of Michael being so loud.

"Luke, I want you to fuck me," Michael panted out, rutting his hips slowly against Luke's fast movements.

Luke groaned at such an innocent boy's dirty words. Michael knew he wouldn't be saying those words if he were remotely sober but he didn't mind while being tipsy.

"Okay kitten, one step at a time," Luke said softly.

He got up from Michael, tugging off his pants and his boxers all in one go. Michael's eyes went wide as he saw Luke almost fully erect. He was a lot bigger than the last person he had been with but he was a lot more aroused now. Luke moved forward and pushed down Michael's leggings. He moaned out loud when he saw that Michael was wearing panties.

"Kitten, why are you wearing panties?" Luke asked, crawling back over and tugging at the elastic band of Michael's lacey material. Michael moaned a Luke let the elastic snap back.

"The lines don't show with my leggings, duh," Michael said, earning a small smack on his thigh from Luke.

"Don't back talk," Luke said firmly, making Michael nod his head.

Luke slowly removed the material off of Michael's legs and threw it on to the floor where it would be with the rest of their clothing. He grabbed the bottle of lube that he had hidden in the drawer earlier and the box of condoms. He knew he was going to get lucky but he didn't really know with who.

Luke placed the objects next to Michael before crawling back on the small boy and spreading Michael's legs apart. He went back to doing what he had been doing prior, grinding against the smaller boy and the friction felt a whole lot better now that it was their bare skin together.

"Luke, don't do much with prep. I fingered myself earlier," Michael breathily said, making Luke stop his actions.

"What? You weren't the only one planning on being laid tonight," Michael added, Luke chuckling softly against Michael's neck.

Luke grabbed the lube that was next to Michael and placed it generously on his first three fingers. He made sure that he had enough lube before bringing them down to Michael's entrance and hesitantly entering the first finger. Michael took it with ease so he then added the second and then the third. Michael was a moaning and whimpering mess under him as he felt Luke graze his prostate and start scissoring his fingers.

"Luke. I'm good. Just get in me please," Michael begged, knowing that Luke's fingers weren't enough.

"Ok kitten," Luke said.

Luke grabbed the condom that was lying on the pillow next to Michael and sat up so that he could put it on. He ripped the tinfoil package open and rolled the latex on to his erection. He laid down on top of Michael again and lined himself up with the small boy's entrance. He looked at Michael for confirmation, earning a whine, and slowly pushed in. He normally didn't care about how the other was doing but he wanted to make sure Michael was comfortable and actually feeling pleasure.

He didn't have to worry long because he heard the loudest moan he had ever heard from the black-haired boy once he bottomed out.

"Move Luke, fuck," Michael choked out, scratching at Luke's back for some kind of reaction. He hadn't felt this type of pleasure in a long time and he was loving it. The stretch was a lot nicer than what his fingers could do.

Luke complied with what Michael had said and started thrusting in and out a lot faster. The two boy's moans filled the room as they felt the rush of pleasure and bliss wash over them. They were in a state of euphoria. They didn't care that anyone could walk in at any moment, they just liked being together. Their teeth clashed together as they kissed and pushed their bodies together.

It continued like that for a few minutes more before Michael was coming onto his and Luke's stomach and Luke was filling the condom after.

Luke pulled out of Michael after he had ridden out his high and took off the condom, throwing it in the trash can next to the bed.

"That was great, Thanks for making my birthday pleasurable," Michael said softly, still a bit out of breath from the activities that had previously happened.

"No problem," Luke said.

"Kitten," he then added, biting at one of the hickeys he had created previously.


This took me way too long. I don't really like writing smut and I feel so awkward writing it. I cringed the whole time. Oh well.


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