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It had been a month since tour started and Michael and Luke were in a period of hating each other. It seemed to happen every other week where they were either making out or clawing at each other. The rest of their band members were tired of it but they couldn't say anything about it without the boys becoming defensive.

"Happy birthday baby," Luke said, coming up behind the now black-haired boy and hugging him. He placed his lips on Michael's check. The smaller boy quickly spun around and glared at the blonde in front of him.

"Why did you call me baby? We're not dating," Michael asked harshly, shoving Luke's arms off of him.

"Why are you being so obnoxious? I'm just trying to be nice," Luke said softly.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Now will you please leave? I have to get ready for tonight," Michael sighed, making Luke smile and press his lips to his cheek before leaving.

They had the night off in New York, now on their US tour, and were going to be celebrating his birthday.

"Wear my red flannel. It'll look cute on you baby," Luke said softly. He kissed Michael quickly again before leaving the room and leaving Michael dumbfounded.

Luke was so confusing. They'd either be fighting or Luke would be flirting with him and it made Michael's head hurt more than it did on a normal basis.

Michael made his way over to his suitcase and grabbed the flannel that Luke had talked about. He had left it in his hotel room about a week prior and Michael had claimed it as his.

He took off the sweater he had on and switched it out for the other soft material and changed his leggings to a fresher pair.

He was honestly so nervous for tonight. He knew about ten of the people invited and the 5 Seconds of Summer boys had invited the rest of the people.


Luke had Michael pressed up against him as the two of them grinded against each other at the party. Michael had stuck next to Luke the whole night even though they were still in one of their hatred moods.

The alcohol was the main reason why. They had weened Michael off his medication a bit for the day so that he could enjoy drinking on his birthday. Luke liked drunk Michael. Drunk Michael was a lot less strung up about everything.

Michael saw Lacey go off with some girl to hook up and he was one hundred percent sure that Calum was with Ashton. He was definitely not about to find Damien and he didn't know Jack and Connor well enough to join them.

It was so stressful for Michael. He would've preferred just getting a cake to himself and finishing it in one sitting. That obviously wasn't the idea that came to his band member's minds and he was sure that he was going to kill them sooner or later.

"You're so hot baby," Luke whispered into Michael's ear. Michael held back a whimper as Luke continued grazing his mouth against his ear.

"Especially in my flannel. Can't wait to see it on your bedroom floor again," Luke said, starting to move his lips down Michael's neck and to his exposed collarbones.

Michael moaned softly, not really caring that there were multiple of groups of people around them.

"We can go up now," Luke said, nibbling at Michael's ear.

"We have to wait until I blow out the candles and then I'll go and blow you," Michael said softly.

"Please baby boy," Luke groaned out.

"You look so good right now. I wouldn't mind you taking me," Michael whispered softly, pressing himself against Luke more and gripping Luke through his jeans slowly.

A moan escapes Luke's lips but they didn't really get any weird looks. A lot of people were hooking up and it was normal.

"Where's Michael? We have the cake ready!" Someone was yelling in to the crowd and it made Michael and Luke quickly pull away. They hadn't been caught but they didn't want to be caught either.

Michael stood up on his tiptoes and noticed Calum and Ashton holding a cake and walking through the crowd.

"Michael!" Calum called out, finally spotting his black-haired friend.

They had a giant homemade cake covered in light pink frosting in their hands and we're making their way towards the small boy.

"Are you ready?" Calum asked.

"I mean I don't really have a choice," Michael said giggling.

Calum grinned at his friend. He loved Michael's sense of humor. It hadn't changed from eighth grade and he loved it.

Ashton lit up the two candles that made the number nineteen and waited for the crowd to start in a horrible rendition of 'Happy Birthday'.

Michael was one hundred percent sure that he had heard about seven people say the wrong name when it came to the time but he wasn't about to complain. He blew out the candles after and the two boys placed the cake on a table to cut it.

Michael waited for the two boys to turn around before grabbing Luke's hand and pulling him to the stairs.

"What are we doing baby boy?" Luke asked softly, following Michael up the stairs and into a spare room.

"Everything," Michael breathed out.


Sorry this took so long. I focused on updating a lot of other stories but I'm back.


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