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Michael was sat in the chair at the airport, just sitting and waiting for his plane to actually arrive. He was supposed to have at least four hours in between the interview and when he landed but so far the plane had been delayed two and a half hours because of maintenance and then crew and then weather issues. He was stressed to say the least, he didn't want to be seen as problematic or a wreck his first time meeting the band.

Michael pulled out his phone for what seemed like the hundredth time and called Mandy. She had said she'd try to see if she could push the interview back a little and he wanted to make sure that she had done what she had said.

"I'll see what I can do. I'm sorry sweetie. It must be that London fog," Mandy said and Michael could tell she was smiling a little.

"It's not funny Mandy! I'm going to be late and the band is going to hate me and then the tour will be a bust because the headlining band is going to hate the lead singer of the opening band," Michael whined.

"I'll call them now! Don't worry about it Mikey," Mandy said and Michael groaned, just wishing he was on the plane.

"Okay bye," he said pouting.

"Bye," she said and Michael hung up.

Michael looked at his phone and saw he had a text from Calum which he quickly responded to, he had called Calum practically crying but Calum didn't respond. Michael had to leave a teary voicemail and all he got back was a text. He really hated his band sometimes.

"You're Michael Clifford from Once Upon A Reject!" Michael heard a voice squeal from in front of him. It surprised him, not often did people notice him and if they did they didn't know his name or his band.

Michael looked up and saw two girls looking down at the petite boy.

"Yes, I am," Michael said smiling up at them. He liked meeting fans and these two girls looked really nice from the way they were smiling at him.

"Can we get a picture?" The girl asked.

"Yeah! Sure!" he said smiling, he didn't feel that confident today but he would do anything for his fans. Michael knew he probably looked awful saying he was dressed for the airport but they were fans. Michael wouldn't turn them down.

Michael got up and got hundreds of pictures with both of them when he felt that his throat was really dry, he hadn't really moves in two hours besides the time he spent pacing back and forth. He'd really like to do something. He was honestly bored.

"Girls, I'm kind of thirsty and down right bored just sitting here right now. Do you guys want to go to Starbucks with me?" Michael asked them and the two girls nodded their heads eagerly.

"Darn it, I don't have money," one of them, the taller one said frowning.

"I'll pay for it. Don't worry," Michael offered, the girls were nice and they obviously supported him and his music and his band.

"Really?" She asked gasping and Michael just nodded his head sheepishly.

"Yeah! You guys are supporting me in my music so it's the least I could do!" Michael said, a smile growing on his face.

"But what about your flight?" the other asked.

"It's been delayed another hour and a half. We're fine," Michael said, still smiling at how happy the two girls seemed.

They walked down the airport passages until they found the closest Starbucks.

"What do you girls want?" Michael asked.

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