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Michael was a lot less nervous the second night of tour than the first night. He was with his band and he knew they would do amazingly well.

"Hey! Good luck tonight!" Ashton said, coming up behind the small boy and hugging him tightly.

Michael thanked the boy before going and grabbing his guitar. His bandmates were warming up and he decided to join in on their activities. He normally did it earlier but he had been busy trying to get Luke to stop following him. He didn't understand why Luke was so interested in him. He was so lame.

"Are you guys changing the setlist?" Ashton asked, sitting next to Michael as he tuned his guitar.

"No. We're keeping the same songs but we might switch out a cover for another original later on," Michael admitted, Ashton nodding his head.

"How did you manage to get more hickeys?" Ashton asked, looking over and seeing at least three more on Michael's neck.

"Remember how I went to the bathroom before we left the restaurant we stopped at? Luke cornered me there. I was lucky enough that I was wearing a flannel that covered my neck."

"I really need to talk to him about that. I'm sorry Michael," Ashton said, patting Michael's back reassuringly.

"I mean, I didn't hate it," Michael admitted, shrugging his shoulders.

"He's corrupted you already. Oh my god," Ashton said softly.


"Hello London. How are you guys tonight? I hope you are all doing well. It is officially all of Once Upon a Reject. So sorry you guys had to listen to just me yesterday. We're here to give you the best show we can now," Michael called out.

The crowd cheered and Michael smiled widely.

They went through the songs they were meant to play. The normal songs and their covers were played and they were really happy. They never expected to play to such huge crowds so soon but here they were playing in front of ten thousand people.

They played their final song which was a cover of Paramore's "Ain't It Fun". Michael watched as the crowd jumped along and sang along. This was his favorite part of performing.

Calum walked up to him and grinded against him while he played his bass. Michael fumbled a bit with the words because of Calum distracting him and he felt himself blush. He couldn't help but mess up. He hated when he did.

He moved to kick Calum in the shin and kept singing his part. Calum laughed before walking away back to his stand so he could sing his part soon.

They finished the song soon after and said goodbye to the crowd one last time. The group ran backstage, panting and sweaty from such a good show. They didn't mess up at all and they counted that as a success.

"You guys did really good!" Ashton said, coming up behind Michael and hugging him.

"Thanks Ash. My voice squeaked a bit but it wasn't horrible," Michael said shyly, leaning into Ashton's grasp.

"No. You sounded amazing. Don't talk bad about your talent. You're incredible Michael," Ashton said softly, squeezing Michael tighter.

"Thanks Ash," Michael said awkwardly.

Ashton let go of Michael and waved at him before going to the main loading area. He went to talk to one of their techs and Michael let out a squeak when he felt someone else hug him.

"You look so good with red hair," Luke whispered, pressing his lips softly to Michael's neck.

Michael looked around quickly to make sure Damien and Ashton weren't around before turning to face Luke. He knew it was Luke. He knew those lips.

"What do you want?" Michael asked stubbornly, he crossed his arms in front of his chest as he glared at Luke.

"You but that's besides the point. I go on in fir minutes. Are you going to watch?" Luke asked, making Michael shrug.

"I'm busy. I probably won't."

"You're not doing anything."

"Exactly. You should get going."

"But I didn't get my 'good luck' kiss," Luke teased, putting his hands on Michael's hips again.

He definitely wasn't expecting it and neither was Michael but soon the red head stood up on his tiptoes and placed a light kiss to Luke's lips.

"Now stop bothering me and go on stage," Michael said quickly, shoving Luke away. He turned and left around leaving Luke completely speechless.

"This better continue later Red," Luke said, giving a nickname to the smaller boy.

"In your dreams Lucas," Michael said, swaying his hips back and forth slowly as he walked away to tease the blonde.

Luke was definitely screwed on stage tonight. He just prayed his guitar would be low enough  to hide his semi.


This is kind of shitty. Yikes. Hope you guys liked it anyways. I fell asleep twice while updating this and idek anymore.


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