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"And that is basically why I'm an awful person," Michael finished.

Luke laughed loudly at what he had said and everyone else was laughing too. He saw the shy boy crouch back in the chair a little at the loud noise but once Ashton started laughing really hard the shy boy joined in too.

Luke wasn't expecting the boy to be so shy, most bands that reach fifty thousand on Twitter automatically become assholes and very arrogant about their music but that didn't seem to be the case with Michael. Luke even went through that phase but Michael was actually very humble and Luke appreciated that.

Luke didn't know what to expect about what would happen when he saw him but he was tiny. The shy boy couldn't weigh more than 130 pounds soaking wet and that was really light for a boy at a 5 feet and six inches stature, or at least Luke assumed. He was beautiful. Luke felt bad for him because he had only been there for 40 minutes and he was being forced into his first interview ever. Also, he was really shy and he looked like he was going to pass out at any moment from exhaustion as well.

"So Luke, is there any girl, or boy, you have in mind?" Alan asked wiggling his eyebrows at the blonde that came back from being lost in thought.

"No, not really," Luke said laughing nervously, of course he had hooked up with a few boys and girls but not enough to actually see them more than once or twice and to date them.

"What about all those news reports? They say you've been spotted with quite a few different people," Alan said. Luke gritted his teeth together and inhaled sharply. This was always mentioned at the interviews and Luke was kind of tired of it.

"I'm just friends with them. You can't believe everything you read on the internet and jut because I hang out with someone doesn't mean we're dating or hooking up" Luke said reciting what management had told him to say. He had to say this at every other interview too.

Honestly, only a few of them had actually been friends. The others were just there for awhile and really good f.ucks to Luke.

"Oh sorry," Alan said apologizing and he turned towards Connor.

Luke looked over at Michael and he was giving the blonde a weird look. It was a judgmental look.

Michael honestly wasn't judging Luke, not now at least, he was intrigued. He really wanted to see what made Luke want to h.ump every thing with a heartbeat but he didn't mind at the moment.

"Not him too," Luke thought. He didn't want the cute opening band lead singer to hate him already without knowing him.

Luke groaned silently, already knowing Michael had Google searched the band. The two boys made eye contact and Michael quickly turned away looking down at the ground. What was his problem?

"Is it true you guys are releasing your new second album soon?" Alan asked.

"That's the word the fans hate. 'Soon'," Ashton said adding quotations with his fingers around the word and the crowd chuckled.

"Yeah, Luke can tell you when it comes out," Jack said and everyone, including the crowd, turned to face the zoned out blonde.

"What?" Luke asked looking around confused, he was confused on why everyone was looking at him. He hadn't meant to zone out.

"Yes, because of the whole band only Luke knows," Connor joked, lightening the awkward tension from Luke getting distracted.

"Well, I'm just going to say it'll be out before the year ends," Luke said confidently, finally realizing they were talking about the album.

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