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Ashton was pacing back and forth in the hotel room as Michael sat on the kitchen counter, his head hung in shame.

"You let Luke do what?" Ashton asked, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried not to hit Michael across the face multiple times for being so stupid.

"I didn't try to. He just kind of showed up and pressed me against a wall and it happened. I didn't let him go farther though," Michael said softly, fiddling with his fingers as he looks at his fuzzy socks.

"He's marked you Michael! That's not good. He'll think you're his property now and that you owe him. Which you are not and you don't," Ashton said, still angrily pacing the hotel room.

"I couldn't do anything! He had me pinned! I liked it anyways. It wasn't against my will. Maybe I want to hook up with him," Michael argued, crossing his arms across his chest as the other boy in the room stopped dead in his tracks. Ashton turned around slowly on the ball of his foot and saw Michael with a contempt look on his face.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. A million times no. You will not hook up with Luke and you will never ever ever think of that again. You, Michael Clifford, will not hook up with my band member, Luke Hemmings," Ashton said quickly. He moved to where Michael was sitting and made sure he was face to face with the red haired boy.

"He's so cute though Ashton. And he actually wants me," Michael said, trying to argue with the brunette.

"No. You will not. He's bad news and he will leave you with more mental issues than what you started with," Ashton said harshly.

Michael flinched back and Ashton immediately felt bad. He had overstepped the boundary line and he could tell by the way Michael's eyes started to water. Ashton stood in between Michael's legs and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.

"I'm sorry," Ashton said softly.

"I know Luke's not good for me and nothing would occur from it but I really want to kiss him. Can I not do that? It'd just be once," Michael said, trying to argue Ashton's point.

"Nope. You're mine," Ashton said clinging to the redhead. Michael looked up from where his head was buried in Ashton's neck and gave him a look of disbelief.

"Kidding but no. You can't hook up with him. You'll expect more or you'll like it a lot and he won't stay around. I don't want you to get super bad again. It won't end well. Do not do anything with Luke Hemmings if you want what is best with you," Ashton said sternly.

Michael sighed, nodding his head and running his fingers through Ashton's hair sadly. He really just wanted to sleep with Luke. That sounded bad but Luke made him feel wanted and that wasn't something he had felt in a super long time. Luke made him feel attractive. Attractive enough to mark.

"C'mon, let's make these cupcakes for your bandmates," Ashton said, pulling Michael off the counter softly. It took the redhead by surprise and he quickly clung on to the older boy.

"If we're going to make the cupcakes, you'll have to get off me," Ashton said chuckling, looking at the boy that had his arms and legs wrapped around him.

"Sorry," Michael said blushing, unraveling from Ashton and dropping his padded feet onto the floor.


Michael couldn't help the shrieks that left his mouth as Ashton threw the extra flour they had onto him. It had taken him by surprise since he was just on the floor, watching the cupcakes bake, when he was pelted with the white substance.

Michael stood up quickly and ran to the other side of the counter, grabbing the remaining two eggs and held them at aim.

"I'm not afraid to use this Irwin," Michael said, holding the egg in his hand. He played with it in his fingers, looking at Ashton menacingly.

"Try me Clifford," Ashton said, ducking down so that the counter would conceal his body.

Michael jumped up onto the counter and dropped the egg down onto the brunettes head, praying it wouldn't hurt him too badly. He couldn't help but laugh as Ashton reached up and wiped the yolk.

"Fuck Michael," Ashton groaned, standing up and reaching for the egg that was in Michael's other hand.

Michael moved his hand out of the way and moved it above his head so that Ashton couldn't get to it. Ashton thought that Michael had made it to easy. He grabbed Michael's hand and clamped down on it, making the egg drop down onto Michael's head.

Michael jumped onto Ashton's back and Ashton felt more substance smear into his scalp. The two boys continued running around, fighting and throwing things at each other. It went on for the whole forty minutes it took to bake the cupcakes. The timer went off and Ashton stopped his attack of sugar on Michael's belly, allowing the grains to fall over his body.

"Fuck, this is going to be impossible to clean up," Ashton groaned.


I'm so sick I cry


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