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Luke groaned at the pounding headache he had. Why did he drink so much again? Oh yeah, because he was mad. Michael was such a little bitch. He thought that the lilac haired twink would be so innocent and nice but he was a bitch. They didn't even know him but he was rude from the get go. He seemed okay with Ashton but Ashton seemed mad at Michael now.

He automatically took a liking to the curly haired lad and Luke found that annoying.

"Wake up, asshole," Ashton yelled walking into the room. A pillow hit Luke and the older boy started laughing.

"Stop," Luke groaned and buried his face into the soft pillow even more. His loudness was not helping me with this headache.

"I have medication," Ashton said and Luke's head instantly popped up.

He reached forward absentmindedly and hoped the brunette would hand it over.

"No, I will only give you the drugs if you're okay with the fact that Michael goes out to dinner with us tonight," he said pulling the ibuprofen back.

"Why?" Luke asked grumbling, he really didn't want to talk to the boy that offended him.

"He's going to be touring with us for almost five months and we can't go around hating him the whole time," Ashton said, "And for all we know he could've been having a bad day because he was homesick or jetlagged."

"Fine," Luke grumbled. He understood what it was like to be homesick but he had never snapped at anyone. At least not badly.

Luke climbed out of bed and threw on a flannel and jeans. It was signature look and at the moment he was honestly too tired to wear anything else.

"Be nice," Ashton warned and Luke snorted.

"I'll be as nice as he is to me," the blonde said. He didn't take shit from anyone and he wasn't about to take it from Michael. If anything, he'd be giving it to Michael.

"Don't Luke," Ashton warned again and Luke rolled his eyes. Ashton was basically a fatherly figure on tour and it annoyed Luke quite a lot.

"Have you even talked to him since last night?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, I talked to him this morning," Ashton said.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"Michael genuinely felt really bad. He told me he didn't mean it and that he was just upset; hence him yelling at you," Ashton said.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked. He knows he should've believed his friend but Luke was so annoyed at just the thought of Michael.

"I can show you my phone," he said pulling out his phone from his back pocket.

"No, it's fine," the taller of the two said reaching forward to stop him and he laughed.

"I never lie," Ashton said and Luke could sense a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Yes you do, you told me last week that you'd buy me a puppy but that never happened," Luke said and stuck his tongue out teasingly.

"What? I never said tha- oh," Ashton started but then he noticed his band mate was being sarcastic.

"You're a dick," he joked and pushed past Luke.

"Do we have anything planned today?" Luke asked.

"Nope, unless you count the dinner a planned event," Ashton said.

"We should go out and meet fans," Luke said. That was his favorite part. He loved meeting people that supported him.

"Why not?" Ashton asked shrugging his shoulders.

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