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Luke woke up with the worse possible headache. He hadn't drank like that in a long time and it was really killing him. He shifted a bit and noticed a weight on his chest. He was praying that it wasn't some girl that he'd have to pay to get them to keep quiet.

Luke opened one of his bright blue eyes slowly and the person he saw was a lot worse than a girl he'd have to pay. Michael was on his chest even though he had promised Ashton that he'd leave Michael alone. If Michael's bandmates or his bandmates found out then he'd be dead before their next concert.

The blonde then proceeded to open his second eye and bit back a hiss at the sun hitting his eyes. Luke glanced down at the boy in his arms and slowly moved so that he wouldn't wake the boy up while trying to get out of bed. Luke noticed that they had somehow made it back to the hotel and realized that they were definitely in Michael's room. Luke followed the trail of clothes and made his way to the small kitchenette. Michael had to have some type of Advil or another type of pain relief.

Luke looked on the counter and noticed a little plastic bottle with pills. Those obviously had to be some sort of pain medication. He picked it up and noticed that Michael's name was scribbled on the lid. Luke rolled the tube around in his hands and noticed that there was a prescription on the side.

Zyprexa. Take two a day, one as soon as you wake and one as soon as you are about to go to sleep, by mouth. Drink with water and do not mix with any alcohols. May take a third if necessary but not recommended. If any sort of negative symptom occurs, please contact your doctor.

"Zyprexa?" Luke thought to himself.

Luke looked around the room and saw his phone laying on the floor. He grabbed the device and opened up Safari. He typed in the word and immediately- hundreds of results showed up, but one stuck out. Bipolar Disorder.

It all made sense, the mood swings, the constant sadness and happiness that seemed to happen drastically with Michael.

Luke slowly placed the bottle down and made his way back to the bed. He climbed in and watched as the black-haired subconsciously moved closer to him. Luke allowed the boy cling to him and watched how peaceful he looked while sleeping. This seemed to be the only way he had ever seen Michael not look distressed. Michael's arms wrapped around Luke's waist and the boy was soon burying his face in the blonde's lap.

Luke hoped and prayed that he wouldn't get an erection by how close Michael's face was to his crotch and he hoped and prayed Michael would wake up soon. They had to talk once he did.


"You're naked. Oh my god, I'm naked," were the first words to leave Michael's mouth as soon as he was fully awake.

"That's obvious. Michael, we have to talk," Luke said, cutting Michael off before the smaller boy could speak more.

"Can we at least put on clothes first? I don't want to have a heart to heart while your dick is out in the open," Michael said, motioning towards Luke who hadn't even gotten back under the covers after getting back in bed.

Luke nodded his head and stood up, walking to the other side of the room to grab his boxers. He slipped them on and then grabbed Michael's panties and t-shirt because he knew Michael would feel bare and he wanted Michael to feel comfortable. He handed the smaller boy his clothes and turned away until the boy was changed.

"If you want to talk about last night, I don't want to," Michael said, glaring at Luke.

"That's not it," Luke said.

He pushed Michael down so that he was laying down on his back gently and then proceeded to climb on top of him so that he was straddling Michael's small body.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked. He was confused on why Luke was trapping him.

"I don't want to fight with you and I know that you'll go running once I say what happens," Luke explained, shifting a bit to make sure his weight was more centered and wouldn't hurt the boy.

"What is it?" Michael questioned. He was now a bit annoyed over the fact that Luke was being so insistent.

"I found your medication," Luke said slowly.

It took a second but then it hit Michael what Luke had said. He reached out with his hand and was about hit Luke across his smug little face but didn't get to. Luke soon had Michael pinned to the bed so that he couldn't fight back.

"You fucking dick! Why were you snooping around?" Michael asked, letting out a small growl directed at Luke.

"I wasn't trying to! I just wanted ibuprofen because my head is killing me," Luke hissed, pressing down a bit firmer on Michael's wrist.

Michael looked into Luke's eyes and tried to see if there was any sort of assholeness that was trying to shine through. He just wanted to know if Luke was bullshitting him or not. The two stayed in silence, not breaking eye contact and Michael felt like screaming.

"You're bipolar," Luke finally said, breaking the silence, "And I was a complete dick to you."

"Not just bipolar but that's beside the point. You didn't know," Michael whispered.

"But I still treated you horribly and probably triggered so much more," Luke said, his voice cracking as he tried to finish his sentence.

Michael somewhat shrugged his shoulders as if saying that Luke wasn't the worst he had dealt with.

"Can you climb off me now? I can feel your dick starting to wake up," Michael said, chuckling a bit as Luke crawled off him while blushing.

"It was so much worse when you practically tried to cuddle it," Luke commented and now Michael's face was bright red.

"Oh my god, I can't control what I do in my sleep," Michael said.

He covered his face with his hands and Luke found it cute and endearing. Sure they'd go back to hating each other tomorrow but Luke didn't mind the moments like this between them. He glanced at Michael's hands and something seemed to pop out that shouldn't have. The blonde reached out and grabbed one of Michael's arms. He looked at the white lines and pink lines that littered the smaller boy's pale skin. He looked up and saw Michael looking at him intently.

"No more," Luke said, giving Michael a pointed look.

"I'm working on it," Michael said. Michael moved his hand out of Luke's grasp and hid it under the cover. He didn't understand why Luke was being confrontational. He didn't understand why Luke seemed to care.

"How long has it been?" Luke asked.

"About a month and a few days," Michael said.

A smile made its way onto Luke's face as he told Michael that he was proud of him.

"I love being on stage and I love music. I love being there for my fans and telling them my story through my lyrics. It's just after the show when the sadness sinks in and I feel so alone," Michael explained.

That's when it hit Luke. Michael was only in it for the music and the fans. Once the tour were to end, who knew how bad Michael could again. Michael wasn't getting the help he needed and not going through the proper therapy he needed. He just had something that made him temporarily happy and he was weighing all of his somewhat stable mentality on it. That wasn't healthy.


If you're expecting Muke to start dating and it to be happy and Luke's going to make Michael not be depressed anymore than you're reading the wrong book and you have no clue what depression actually is. Their relationship technically starts after the book ends. So yeah it won't exactly be the happiest until the two part epilogue


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