epilogue pt. two

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10 years later

Michael was smiling in his sleep, Luke finding it completely adorable that his husband wasn't even aware of his actions and he was smiling.

Luke tugged softly at the brown locks and his husband let out a low sigh, slowly becoming aware of what was going on. The blonde smiled fondly as he noticed his lover nuzzle his face into his hand that had trailed down.

It was so insane. Michael looked so peaceful and his body was barely covered by the comforter and Luke thought he looked beautiful. This was so much more different than what Michael had looked like the first time Luke had woken up next to him.

"Good morning," Michael's morning voice croaked out. His eyes slowly blinked open and Luke was met with the eyes he had fallen in love with ten years prior.

Luke smiled widely and pressed a light kiss to Michael's temple, "Good morning, beautiful."

Michael felt the familiar blush creep onto his cheeks as he started to hide under the comforter again.

"Don't hide from me, babe," Luke said, crawling on top of his husband and moving Michael's hands away from his face.

He started pressing light kisses to Michael's cheeks and little giggles escaped the small boy's mouth as his husband continued moving.

Their relationship had grown so much and Luke loved it. He loved Michael. As soon as Michael had left the hospital, Luke switched his number. Making it impossible for old groupies to contact him and for random nudes to show up on his screen.

Michael had been a bit hesitant at first but when he saw how much Luke had put in an effort to change, he was willing to love freely. They had hit a few rough patches of course. Michael still struggled at times with getting the help he needed and not being open to talk about it with Luke. Luke sometimes would watch a waiter too much at a restaurant and Michael would feel insecure.

It took a year or two but after that they found balance and everything rose from there. Luke and Michael toured again together, this time with a proper psychiatrist on tour that would be at Michael's call and a day of break between every show. It relatively got better for Michael and he decided every tour he went on had to be like that. Michael's band managed to get really big and they went on tour with quite a few others, such as Blink, All Time Low, and All-American Rejects.

Luke had gotten a bit jealous when he saw that Michael had sent him a picture of him and Alex Gaskarth hugging the first tour but he eventually got over it when he remembered that Alex was married but a bit touchy.

"I love you, you know that right?" Luke asked softly, pressing light kisses to Michael's face.

Michael nodded his head and allowed for Luke to keep kissing his face. Luke moved his lips to press against Michael's and the two lazily kissed for what felt like hours.

The small boy brought his hands up to Luke's hair and tugged on the roots. Luke groaned a bit and slowly pushed his tongue into Michael's mouth. Michael let out a small whimper and Luke took it as a sign to go faster.

Luke dug his fingers into Michael's sides, one of his favorite things about Michael and pulled the boy impossibly closer to him. Luke was about to start grinding down on his adorable, little husband when he heard the sound of babies crying that made him pull apart.

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