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Luke saw Michael's eyes roll to the back of his head and ran towards him quickly. He got there just in time before he collapsed onto the floor. He had no idea what was going on but he couldn't just leave the small boy on the floor. Luke picked him up bridal style and took off running towards his and Ashton's hotel room. He turned to the side so be could get out of the door easier, making sure Michael didn't get hurt on the doorframe. Luke didn't want him to get injured by hitting his head or something. He definitely did not want Michael getting even more hurt on his account.

Michael had been way too easy to lift up from the floor. He was a teenage boy, why was it so easy for Luke to pick him up? Luke wasn't the most buff boy.

Wait, why did Luke care? All Michael had been to him was rude. He knew deep down that he couldn't just leave him when he was helpless though.

Luke knocked on the door quickly just hoping that Ashton would answer soon. He had left his phone and his key in Michael's hotel room.

"Ashton! Open the fucking door!" Luke yelled kicking it with his foot while leaning on the other, trying to keep steady with Michael in his arms.

"What's the matter? I'm peeing!" Ashton yelled.

"Ashton! Something's wrong with Michael!" Luke yelled back.

"Shit!" Luke heard Ashton yell. He heard some shuffling, a toilet flushing, and the door swung open.

"What's going on?" Ashton asked, his eyes trailing until they landed on Michael limp in his band mates arms.

"He passed out," Luke said gasping and out of breath. He really needed to workout; running from down the hall with someone in his arms was the most exercise he had ever done.

"Set him down on the bed and then go get ice from the machine," Ashton said sternly. Luke had never seen him like this. He was never serious. He was always playful and bubbly.

"Do you have any idea of what could've happened?" Luke asked. He was truly worried but he didn't want to be.

"I might have one or two ideas," Ashton said.

He reached over and piled up a few pillows to move Michael onto them and Luke took off running to the ice machine. Luke stuck the bucket under the nozzle but when he pressed the button nothing came out.

"Fucking hell," he cursed.

Luke ran towards the elevator when he saw about 12 girls standing there. They were all dressed up as if they were going to a pageant and he groaned when he realized that they were actually there for a pageant. Luke took off running again.

He found the door that lead to the stairs and started running down them two at a time until Luke got to the floor under. He saw a sign pointing in the opposite direction that said "Ice Machine" and started running in that direction. He got to the machine and pushed the button hoping it would work. Slowly but surely, ice  started coming out. Luke filled the bucket to the top and ran back to Ashton and his room so that he could give him the ice.

Luke pounded on the door and Ashton opened.

"Has he woken up yet?" Luke asked.

"No but I have the tour doctor checking on him now," Ashton said.

Luke walked into the room and of course there was a doctor sitting on the bed next to the small boy with his medical instruments now. He didn't look that old. He only looked a bit out of college so it surprised Luke that he was here.

"How is he doing, Dr. Myron?" Ashton asked turning towards the young doctor.

"He should be waking up soon but it was probably dehydration or a panic attack. Most likely the second option. When he does wake up, give him two of these tablets because he'll probably have a bad headache. He'll have to be on 24 hour bed rest," the doctor said writing everything down.

"Ok, thank you for coming over," Ashton spoke. Luke wrapped his arms around his own torso and just nodded because there was nothing he could say. He was speechless.

Doctor Myron said a final goodbye and left the room, leaving Ashton and Luke with an unconscious boy that they had only known for a few days. Ashton sat down on his bed and Luke sat down in the spin chair next to his bed where Michael was.

"Is that what you were thinking on why he passed out?" Luke asked Ashton. Curiosity had taken over him and he truly wanted to find out why Michael had passed out.

"That or that he lost too much blood," Ashton said bluntly but then threw his hand over his mouth probably hoping that he could take back what he had said.

"What?" Luke asked.

Ashton looked at his band mate with wide eyes quickly but caught himself.

"He told me that he accidentally caught himself with his knife last night while trying to make dinner," Ashton said coughing. Luke could tell he was lying but decided to drop it.

"I feel bad," Luke said looking at the ground guiltily. He never felt bad over anyone but this time he couldn't shake it off his conscious.  

"Why?" Ashton asked.

"I was yelling at him before and he was shaking and he looked so nervous. It's like I liked seeing him so weak," Luke whispered.

"Don't feel bad, Luke. You had no idea. You guys haven't really gotten a long and you don't really know about him so it wasn't exactly your fault that you didn't know it would happen if you guys fought," Ashton said.

Luke looked down at Michael and moved a loose, lilac strand out of his face. Be looked so peaceful. Luke couldn't deny that he was beautiful. He seemed so calm and like all fears were gone. This was the first time Luke had seen Michael not looking stressed.

"Luke, stop being a creep by staring at him," Ashton said bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry," Luke said sheepishly.

"Good, now go get some water from the machine outside for when he wakes up," Ashton said shooing him out of their room.

"I don't have money," Luke said patting my pockets.

"Or my phone," Luke added.

"Or my key."

"What did you do? Throw them away?" Ashton asked chuckling.

"No, they're locked in Michael's room," Luke said frowning.

"Reach into his pocket to see if he has his key," Ashton suggested.

"I'm not sticking my hand down his back pocket!" Luke exclaimed throwing a spare pillow at him.

"Fine, I'll go get the bottle of water then," Ashton said throwing his hands in the air.

He grabbed a few things off of the desk and took off out of the room going down the hallway. Luke glanced over at Michael and felt even worse that it had been twenty minutes and Michael was still not awake.

Luke really regretted not being nicer to him. Maybe he was just quick to judge the lilac haired boy? Yeah that was it. Maybe they could put this past them and become friends. Luke liked the idea of that.


For a girl that says she is malum trash, I am very much a slut for muke.


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