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Michael felt light slowly start to peer into the darkness he was in. His eyes slowly fluttered open and his eyes scanned the unfamiliar region. He was sure he was alone until his eyes landed on the boy that he was pretty sure hated him. The last thing Michael remembered was them yelling and then everything went black. His head was pounding and he felt nauseous.

Michael shifted to get more comfortable and saw that there were three pillows underneath him. He let out a loud groan as he tried to stretch his legs out. A few of his bones cracked and it felt nice to his aching body. The boy that was sitting in the corner looked up at him when he heard the commotion. Michael buried himself in the structure of blankets trying to shrink away from Luke.

"How are you feeling?" Luke asked walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Michael flinched back and brought the blanket further up his body. He his himself until only his eyes and hair were peaking out from the blanket.

"Are you scared of me?" Luke asked. He genuinely looked hurt at the fact that Michael was too scared to be around him. Michael nodded his head slowly.

"I'm scared of everyone so don't feel bad," Michael said slowly. His voice cracked from lack of hydration and from passing out.

"You're not scared of Ashton."

"That's different."

Michael's voice had cracked again.

"Do you want water? Ashton should be coming back soon," Luke said.

"Thanks," Michael said.

"No problem," he said giving the lavender-haired boy a weak smile.

Michael scooted up a bit further so that he was sitting up now and so that he wasn't completely covered in blankets.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Luke asked.

"Us yelling at each other," Michael answered honestly.

Luke instantly felt bad. He didn't want Michael to exactly pass out from them arguing. He was just mad that Michael had been mean to him. He truly shouldn't have tried to fight fire with fire.

Luke started nervously singing and fiddling with his fingers.

He had an amazing voice, Michael thought. He felt mesmerized. It was so soft and Michael felt himself melt a bit. He easily recognized the song. It was one of his favorites that he had listen to by 5 Seconds of Summer. He liked the lyrics and the way Luke's voice sounded through the speakers.

"That's your song 'Amnesia'," Michael said in awe.

"You're a fan?" Luke asked. A grin crept it's way onto his face and he felt proud that Michael recognized their music.

"Not exactly. I didn't even know about you guys until last week when I was told I was touring with you guys. I looked up a bunch of your songs and learned as much as I could," Michael said.

"We did the same," Luke blurted. He got flustered thinking about how he admitted to stalking the band.

"Oh, really?" Michael asked with a bit of amusement. A small smiled placed itself on his face and Luke thought it was cute.

"Yeah, Beautiful Destruction is an amazing song by the way," Luke said smiling.

"I wrote that one with our drummer Lacey after she had to breakup with her girlfriend of a year. She was so upset and wanted to break a lot of stuff. I don't know, it's confusing," Michael rambled and they both heard a door open. A few seconds later they saw a familiar face walk in. He was holding a plastic bag with something in it.

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