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"That looks nice on you," Luke said nuzzling the small boy's neck with his nose.

"Will you please stop?" Michael snapped.

Michael and Luke were sitting next to each other at the airport as the guys went to get coffee from Starbucks two fucking terminals over. Michael had the cupcakes in his hand waiting for his band members. Ashton thought it was smart to leave the two together even though Luke had cornered Michael in the hotel room the night before.

"It's not our fault that your bandmate's flight is coming in so early. We want coffee," Ashton had said, "Try not to kill each other."

Michael was sure that he was going to strangle him.

"It faded to a nice purple, I like it," Luke said, still nuzzling against Michael, the smaller of the two looking away with a glare as his arms crossed in front of his stomach.

"I don't," Michael muttered, not pleased that the hickeys Luke had left him with hadn't faded at all.

"What did Ashton say when he saw it?" Luke asked smirking.

Michael had tried to use concealer to cover it up but it still showed through and he basically had no hair to cover it up. He hated Luke.

"He asked me if it was a booty call and if I had purposely forgotten to grab the eggs so said booty call could show up," Michael muttered, remembering the first words Ashton had said and Luke started laughing.

"Maybe I could be your booty call," Luke mused.

"I'd rather ride a cactus," Michael said.

"Only if I can watch," Luke said and then winked.

"You're disgusting," Michael grimaced.

"You love it," Luke said.

"No I don't. Find someone else to bother," Michael mumbled, turning away so that Luke was facing his back.

"But I like bothering you," Luke said smiling.

"Leave me alone," Michael grumbled.

"Good, you guys didn't kill each other," Ashton said coming up behind the two boys. He had to hold back a laugh at the fact that Michael was glaring and Luke was close against him.

"Could've given me two more minutes," Michael muttered and Ashton laughed this time.

"How much longer until their plane lands?" Connor asked.

"Any minute now," Michael answered, smiling at the nice band member.

They sat around talking about the tour when Michael's phone started ringing. He answered the call and the others crowded around.

"Turn around, you turd," the voice said into the phone and Michael recognized it as Lacey's. Micahel saw them all strolling through the terminal. He quickly handed Ashton the cupcakes and took off running towards his band members. He jumped up and allowed Calum to catch him. The rest fallowed and crowded around in a hug.

"I missed you guys so much," Michael said.

"Eh, I guess the feelings mutual," Damien said and Michael hit him on the back of the head. Michael lost a bit of his grip on Calum, allowing him to let out a shriek before he quickly clung to his band mate again.

"You're so rude," Michael whined.

"You love me though," Damien cooed.

"I'm never leaving you guys again, it was so scary performing by myself," Michael admitted.

"Don't worry, you did amazing. We saw the videos," Lacey said and Michael couldn't help the blush that formed on his face.

"Damn Michael, you've only been gone four days and you already have a hickey," Lacey said poking at his neck underneath the hickey. Michael hated that it was so noticeable against his pale skin. He knew he'd never hear the end of it from his band mates.

"Stop," Michael whined.

Damien looked over and glared at the point on his neck. He was younger than Michael but still super overprotective. Even more so with Michael's situation. He was the younger brother Michael always wanted but sometimes it went to the extreme.

"Really Michael, really?" Damien asked.

"It's not what you think," Michael muttered. He knew he was going to be mad. Even if Michael was older, he knew he'd still have an older brother vibe about it.

"Who's the guy?" Calum asked.

Michael looked down at the ground not wanting to say anything. He definitely did not need Damien knowing it was one of the boys they'd be on the road with for the next six months.

"It's no one," Michael muttered.

"Shit Michael, did you even know who it was?" Damien asked.

"Yes, I'm not a slut Damien," Michael said getting frustrated.

"You must be Damien!" Michael heard Ashton say behind him, "Michael talks about you a lot and he said you had purple hair."

Thank you, Ashton. Michael was so grateful for him. He would've been going insane if he wasn't there.

The boys were walking up and looking at the small boy's band members.

"Guys, this is my band. The one with the purple hair is my annoying step-brother, Damien. He's the guitarist. The blonde one that thinks she's super hella dope is Lacey. And finally, the tan brunette that is only a few inches taller than me is our bassist Calum," Michael said introducing them.

The 5 Seconds of Summer guys introduced themselves to the band saving the small boy from talking more. Michael passed out cupcakes to everyone and they thought it was a sweet gesture. Once Upon a Reject were pleased to see that the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer hadn't injured their lead singer.

Michael smiled at his band members as they talked to the opening act. He liked how they were getting a long. Luke noticed and smiled. He walked over to the redhead and threw his arm around his shoulder.

"I got a cute picture of you and your band members reuniting," he said showing Michael a picture on his phone.

The group was all in a group hug and it looked like they hadn't seen each other in months in the picture. It was adorable.

"Send it to me," Michael said smiling.

"Then give me your number," Luke said smirking. He knew he'd definitely do more with Michael's number in the furfure. More than just sending him a picture of him and his friends.

Michael gave him him phone and the blonde added his number.

to: sexy hot luke

you're so hot. I need you in me.

Once he got his phone back, Michael saw that he had texted himself to get his number.

"I'm blocking your number after this," Michael said giggling softly. He may hate Luke but he occasionally had a sense of humor.

"Yes, I know you think I'm hot, Michael," Luke said loudly, earning the attention of the two bands that were talking. Michael laughed and pushed him away. He couldn't help the blush that later crawled up his cheeks.

"I've seen better," Michael said trying to sound unamused.

"There's no ass better than mine," Luke said confidently.

"I'm sorry but have you seen Louis Tomlinson?"


This took me awhile to update I apologize


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