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"Will you fucking get out of my face?" Michael snapped.

His eyes went wide once he had processed what he had said. He was such a screw up. It normally happened when he was really tired, he'd get cranky and snap at someone and say something he didn't really mean. He didn't mean to be rude to Luke.

"I'm so sorry," the small, lilac-hair boy stuttered. He knew Luke was going to hate him now, and Luke was going to tell his band mates and they were going to hate him too.

The lilac boy started backing up slowly, letting his fingertips softly grace the walls so that he wouldn't collapse to the floor. He was having another attack again and he knew he had to leave before it got worse and he'd say something rude to Luke or he'd start crying. Luke was looking down at the boy with a hurt look in his eyes and he was backing up slowly too. He just wanted to create a new friendship, maybe a friends with benefit friendships, but a friendship nonetheless with the tiny, cute boy in front of him. That obviously wasn't going to be happening soon.

"I'm so sorry," Michael repeated again, unsure of how to handle the situation.

"It's just jetlag," he said cautiously, trying to come up with an excuse. He just wanted Luke to not hate him but he had a hunch that wouldn't be happening.

"Don't worry, I'll go," Luke huffed, he didn't even take a second before turning on his heel and walking away.

He walked back in the direction he came from and turned around. Once he left, Michael ran as fast as he could to his dressing room. He grabbed a glass of water from the snack table in the corner and grabbed a pill from his bag, knowing that it would stop his anxiety from spiking up too much.

Michael was left to calm down by himself, the main band hated him and his other band mates were asleep so he pulled out his phone to distract himself. He was on his phone for a good 15 minutes before someone came in.

"Mr. Clifford, if you're ready to leave your car is here," a man said popping his head into the room. Michael sighed in relief, knowing he'd be able to lock himself in his own room soon.

"Yeah, let me just get my stuff,"Michael said softy, grabbing his bag and his phone and walked out the door.

The car driver lead him towards the door and they were greeted by a group of fans once they had walked out.

Michael stopped to talk to them and get pictures with all of them, he just wanted to show that he really was grateful for everything they did. They were the only reason he could do what he loved. There were only about 10 so it didn't take more than five minutes for him to talk to them briefly and get pictures with them. It calmed him down a bit from the borderline anxiety attack he had earlier.

He walked towards the car after saying goodbye and got in with his bag.

"You're staying in a hotel with the guys but you're not staying in the same room. You all have rooms on the same floor," the driver said and Michael nodded his head. At least he could lock himself in his room and avoid them if it were necessary. He just wanted to sleep at the moment and potentially start the day all over again.

The driver handed Michael the room key as soon as he pulled up in front of the hotel and he opened the door for the small boy as well. The small boy thanked him and he grabbed all of his bags from the trunk. There were only two or three but it was still enough for Michael to need a hotel buggy-thing. He had one suitcase purely just for hair products, hair dyes, and eyeliner. In his other two were his "boy" clothes and his "girl" clothes. He just thought of them as clothes, he didn't see why there had to be labels. Just because it was a light purple or light pink it shouldn't have to be automatically deemed as girly.

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