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Ashton and Michael were sat on the smaller boy's bed looking for something to do. Ashton had come back from his room a few moments prior with his stuff for the night. He had gone to grab his pajamas and Luke had kicked him out quickly after.

Michael had quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a large sweatshirt that Ashton had given him because the small boy couldn't find his other one. He nervously ruffled his hair and realized he wasn't helping it. It was a lot shorter now that the boy's stylist had gotten rid of his fringe. He didn't mind though. He liked it a lot now.

"What should we do? I'm bored," Ashton groaned flopping down on the bed. He had gotten bored of watching Michael mess with his hair.

"I'm sorry that I'm so boring," Michael teased.

"No! It's not that! It's just there's nothing to do in this room," Ashton complained.

"There's plenty of things to do in this room," Michael said.

"Like what?" Ashton asked.

"We could make a YouTube video, we could do a twitcam, we could make cupcakes because of the oven in the kitchenette, we can play the guitar and do like a jam session, we could go meet fans, we could watch Netflix, we could draw, we could go bother Connor and Jack, there's plenty of stuff to do," Michael suggested.

"You seem like you never get bored," Ashton said grinning.

"I grew up as an only child until I was about 13 and Damien's dad married my mom. We never really had a dull moment after that with Damien and I being best of friends," Michael said.

"Did you and Damien just get along right away when you both met or was it like a Luke and you type of relationship?" Ashton asked.

"Damien and I got along right away. It was kind of like we were two missing puzzle pieces, wow that sounds cheesy, and we just loved each other since. Like before we were officially brothers and we'd always look out for each other. Even though I'm a year and a half older he's really protective. We've only had like two major fights and with one of them we didn't talk for four days. I don't know, I love him," Michael said smiling. He and Damien truly cared about each other and most people wouldn't believe it since they were step siblings.

"That's so cute!" Ashton cooed, "I can't wait to meet him tomorrow."

"You'll love him, I'd say he's like a hybrid of you and Connor," Michael said and Ashton laughed.

"He must be pure trouble then," Ashton said.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Ashton suggested that they should make cupcakes. Michael tugged the sweatshirt Ashton had lent him more tightly around his body. It was still decently cold outside and Michael wished he had packed warmer clothes. He had never really needed so many sweaters. Michael was from Australia. It was warm year round. It wasn't fair that he was freezing now.

The pair walked outside and walked to the grocery store that Ashton had been to yesterday.

"You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time," Michael started singing. That song had been stuck in his head for a while. It had been playing in the store and it was now even more permanently stuck.

"To keep you off my mind," Ashton joined in and Michael started giggling.

"That songs so difficult for my vocal range," Ashton pouted.

"But you have such a good voice. You should sing more," Michael said.

"I'm not that great," he said and Michael stopped in his tracks.

"You're amazing, stop," Michael said and he blushed a bit.

The two boys stopped in front of the baking supplies and looked over the many different ingredients they'd need. The boys had sung some Fall Out Boy songs on the way over. They harmonized and it sounded nice together. Michael liked Ashton's voice a lot.

"What type of cupcakes should we get?" Ashton asked.

"How about chocolate? Everyone likes chocolate," Michael said.

"Luke doesn't like chocolate cupcakes. He likes chocolate cake but not cupcakes," Ashton said.

"He doesn't have to have a cupcake," Michael said shrugging his shoulders.

"How about red velvet?" Ashton asked ignoring Michael's comment. He normally would laugh but he knew Michael was being serious. He hated that his friend's hated each other.

"Red velvet is my favorite but Lacey doesn't like them," Michael said.

"Why don't we make one red velvet batch and one vanilla batch so everybody wins?" Ashton suggested.

"That's more work but fine," Michael sighed. He liked the idea of the two flavors though.

Ashton laughed. Michael grabbed two tubs of frosting and some sprinkles. Ashton grabbed some disposable pans to use and the cupcake tins.

"Why the princess ones? The boys will only act more like royal pains," Micahel said laughing as Ashton handed him the cupcake tins.

"Maybe they'll see it as a message for them to be less snobby," he pouted but then he quickly put them back once he saw they had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ones.

"You're such a child," Michael snorted.

They went to the counter and finished paying for the stuff. Ashton insisted on paying even though the smaller boy had argued. They stood there for five minutes arguing until Michael finally let him pay.

They walked back to the hotel and Michael set the stuff in the kitchen. He pulled out all the supplies and placed them in a row on the counter.

"Fuck, we forgot the eggs," Ashton cussed. He scratched the back of his head, knowing they wouldn't be able to do anything until they had the final ingredient.

"Don't cuss," Michael said, pinching Ashton's side jokingly.

"I'll be back, can you start putting the liners in the tins?" Ashton asked and Michael nodded his head.

He left the room and Michael started placing the liners in the tins. It had been about five minutes when he heard a knock on the door. Michael set the tin down and went to answer the door. Ashton shouldn't be back so soon and he had a key anyways.

"Hello?" Michael asked opening the door. It could've been a hotel worker or something.

Michael really needed to learn how to check the peephole before he opened the door to his hotel rooms.

There stood a shirtless Luke Hemmings.

"What do you want?" Micahel asked.

"I came to ask Ashton if he had an extra condom," he said.

"Well, he's not here right now," Michael said looking at the ground awkwardly. He didn't understand why it was always so important for Luke to have sex. Didn't he get tired of feeling something clamp around his dick?

"Shit, Connor and Jack didn't have any either," Luke muttered.

"Tough luck," Michael said shrugging.

"Do you happen to have one?" Luke asked.

"I literally haven't had sex with another person in a year and am a bottom. Why would I keep condoms with me at all time?" Michael scoffed.

Luke was not surprised by the information of Michael being a bottom. The small boy screamed 'sub!' He was surprised though when Michael said he hadn't sex with another person in a year. That meant Michael touched himself. And quite often.

"Sorry, just asking," Luke said.

"Well, I guess you better go send your little toy on her way," the small boy said trying to make him leave. He started closing the door slowly but Luke put his weight against the wooden material.

"Why? Are you jealous? Do you wish I was making you scream? Making you writher under my touch? Not her?" Luke asked, a smirk making its way on to his lips.

Luke walked closer and pressed the red head against the door.

"Back off. You literally haven't even said goodbye to the other girl you were going to sleep with like two minutes ago and you're already hitting on someone else," Michael hissed.

Michael tried pushing on the blonde but he wouldn't budge.

"Luke, get off," Michael whined.

"You know you don't mind," Luke whispered. It was true. Michael really didn't mind. He hated Luke but Luke was really attractive and was pressing himself against him in the most pleasurable way.

His lips pressed underneath Michael's ear and the quite submissive boy shuddered. Why wasn't he fighting back anymore? This wasn't normal for him. He hadn't hooked up with anyone in a year and the idea of someone actually wanting him was foreign to the small boy.

Luke started trailing his lips down the pale boy's neck and Michael felt like he was on cloud nine. He started sucking on the soft skin and Michael's hands went to his hair out of instinct.

Luke started sucking on the skin and nipping and Michael pulled on his hair a bit harder. He hadn't had human contact like this in so long.

"Don't pull too hard, babe," he moaned.

"Shit, what am I doing?" Michael muttered but it turned in to a moan. Luke smirked and continued leaving marks all along Michael's neck.

Michael felt himself harden and that's when he started panicking. He shoved Luke away and started pacing around the room.

"You need to leave," Michael said as Luke just looked at him smugly.

"Ok," he said still smirking. Luke couldn't believe that Michael had actually let him leave hickeys on his skin. He definitely need to do that later.

He opened the door and left leaving the small boy feeling confused. Michael looked in the hallway mirror that was strategically placed and saw five or six hickeys that were going to be impossible to hide.

Michael sat down at the counter where the ingredients were placed. He didn't know what to do about Luke. He hated him but then wanted to sleep with him. Even more so now that Luke had almost kissed him. It was about a minute or two before the door opened and Ashton came in.

Ashton was rambling about something as he placedthe bag on the counter. Michael couldn't really understand what he was saying.He looked up and stopped talking. Ashton never stopped talking. Michael knew hewas fucked.

"Michael, what the hell is on the side ofyour neck?" Ashton asked lifting Michael's chin so that he could see thedamage done to Michael's skin, "Oh my god." 


Just thought that I'd mention that this used to be a straight Calum fan fic that I'm editing because I didn't want to get rid of the idea. If there's someone named Ella or there is the misuse of pronouns it is because of that. I promise that I try to read through multiple times but sometimes it slips past. 


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