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"I'm sorry for yelling at you," Michael said sheepishly.

He held out a box of pizza in front of him as a peace offering and hoped the blonde would take it. Luke sighed and opened the hotel room door, allowing Michael in. It had been three days since they had talked and all Michael had done was think.

Luke allowed Michael in and the two sat down on his bed. They were a solid five feet away and Luke didn't want Michael any closer. The small boy opened the pizza box and the two started digging in. None of them said anything but they kept eating. It was silent but Michael wasn't about to talk first.

"You need help," Luke finally said, finishing his second slice of pizza.

"We were just somewhat getting along. Why would you bring it up?" Michael asked softly.

"Because I want you to know my opinion on it. But we aren't going to yell at each other. We will talk about this very civilized," Luke said calmly.

"I don't need help."

"I think you do. Your friends do. Your manager does. Ashton does. They're just scared to see how you'll react. They don't want to confront it. I'm not scared to confront it," Luke said.

Michael leaned against the headboard of the bed and thought through Luke's word. They were untrue. If people actually had a problem then they'd talk to him about it. Luke was just exaggerating.


"That's all I'm getting?"


Michael motioned for Luke to get closer and the blond slowly complied. He wasn't sure where this was going and he was kind of nervous. He didn't want to seem to be taking advantage of the small boy. It was completely different to when they had first met.

"Cuddle me," Michael sighed.

He flopped down onto the bed and pulled Luke with him. He didn't care that they'd probably argue the next day but he just wanted to enjoy his own calm manor for the time being and be held by Luke.

Luke sighed, running his fingers through Michael's hair. This conversation didn't go as he had planned. He wanted Michael to at least come to some sort of realization but it went in the exact opposite.

Michael cuddled closely to him and wrapped their legs together. Their breathing soon became steady and had the same patterns. It was so different to any hook up Luke had ever had. He definitely wouldn't still be cuddling with them two weeks later but he liked it. He liked Michael.

But he couldn't. Michael needed to save the very little love he had for himself and couldn't give it to him. Michael needed to get help for himself before Luke could even consider asking him out.

He could tell Michael liked him too, or at least he could assume that. They both would just have too wait. Even if it ended up being too late in the end.


There's three chapters left and they're gonna be so intense I'm not ready to write.


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