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How could such a large voice come from such a tiny boy? Luke listened to Michael's set and he was mesmerized by his voice. He could've- no would've- listened to him sing for hours. Michael was in the middle of singing a cover of Last Hope by Paramore and his voice was getting shaky. Luke really wished that he could see his face to make sure he was okay.

"Luke, you have to get ready. We go on in ten. Michael has one more song," Ashton said patting the blondes shoulder.

"Okay," Luke said standing up from where he was side stage.

Luke followed Ashton and they walked into the waiting room. Once they got there, he was handed his guitar from the guitar tech and Luke played a few notes to make sure it was tuned. The instrument worked fine so Luke sat back in the chair waiting for their cue. The band members were handed their in-ears and they all made sure that they were working fine.

"Michael, are you okay?" Luke heard Ashton ask.

Luke turned around and Michael was standing there, back from the stage. He had tears in his eyes and he was wiping at them furiously. Luke could see Michael's mascara and eye liner was running down his cheeks and Luke wanted nothing more than to hold him close.

"I'm fine," he mumbled.

Ashton pulled the redhead into a hug and his whole body started shaking from his crying, or at least Luke assumed.

"It's okay. It's okay. You've made it so far," Ashton whispered into the small boy's ear. Luke thought that he didn't mean for them to hear but he wasn't the quietest whisperer ever.

Ashton released Michael from the hug and they both sat down on the couch next to Luke.

"So, what was it like?" Luke asked smiling at Michael.

"It was amazing. I sang some songs that really meant a lot to me and I got emotional and I cried. I also sang Butterfly Kiss and I'll talk to you later," he mumbled the final part of his response to Ashton. It pissed Luke off that he didn't trust him, yet again Luke hadn't given him a reason to actually do so.

"Guys, two minutes," the guitar tech said.

"You're staying to hear us play?" Ashton asked turning towards Michael.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said smiling.

"Go talk to Phillip over there and he will show you where you can stand," Ashton said pointing to the band's balding manager.

"I think I might just stay back here, I'm not sure yet," Michael said smiling weakly.

"That's fine," Ashton said.

"You guys have to get on the platform," someone yelled making the whole band all get up. Connor and Jack walked over from where they were sitting and followed Luke and Ashton.

"Good luck," Michael said and Ashton gave him a tight hug and he kissed the top of his head. Did he like Michael? Luke thought he had called dibs when they were looking up the band about a week and a half prior. That made him even more mad.

"Thank you," he practically whispered.

"30 seconds!" another guy yelled.

The band started jumping up and down getting excited. Luke let out some form of battle cry.

"Let's rock. Let's rock today," Ashton said moving his fingers on the palm of Jack's hand.

Luke saw Michael watching them and laughing. Michael found it amusing, loving how the band bonded. His band was the same way.

"You boys will do great," he said still laughing.

Luke pulled Michael into a hug and they all joined to make it a group hug.

"Onto the platform," Phillip said making the group pull apart.

They all got into their spots and the platform moved forward a bit. The giant curtain they had in front of the stage fell to the ground and they were greeted by the giant crowd of people screaming and chanting our names.


"Do you want to go and eat something?" Ashton asked as the group sat around the hotel. They were sitting in the lobby at the moment because it was the only place that had wifi; pathetic, right?

"Yes, I've been hungry for the past three hours," Luke said standing up from the chair he had been sitting in.

"When are you not hungry?" Ashton snorted.

"I wasn't hungry when we were on stage," Luke scoffed.

"I'm pretty sure you were but you couldn't say anything because you had to sing," Michael chirped and Luke chuckled. Maybe Michael wasn't horrendous.

Luke didn't think he had ever really said any words to the Jack and Connor. It surprised him though that he had been so sarcastic while they were around.

"No," Luke scoffed awkwardly and they laughed again.

"Where should we got to eat?" Ashton asked.

"Panda Express is next door," Connor suggested.

"It's closed, dumbass," Luke mumbled and Connor thwacked him on the back of his head.

"Rude," Luke muttered, he rubbed the back of his head from the pressure of Connor's hit.

"What about the Nando's down the block?" Ashton asked.

"Is that even open?" Jack asked.

"24 hours," Ashton responded.

"Let's go," Luke said pulling on Ashton and Connor so that they'd get up. He got them both up and then he pulled Jack up. Michael was sitting on the couch, not talking at all, allowing the band to make plans.

"Michael, are you coming?" Luke asked looking at the red head expectantly.

"I don't know-" Michael started but he wasn't able to finish his sentence because Jack picked him up and threw him over his shoulder before he could respond. This surprised Luke even more. Jack was always shy around new people and here he was grabbing onto Michael like fucking Superman. He followed the group outside and towards the restaurant.

Luke guessed Michael and Jack both had surprising sides; which pissed him off even more. Michael was a little bitch 90 percent of the time but then the other 10 percent of the time he was the coolest person ever. At least he was a bitch to Luke. Maybe he didn't like the blonde? Nah, everyone liked him.

It didn't help that Michael was hot as fuck either. If Luke and him dated, they would be a fucking hot couple. Of course that was if only Luke dated. Luke wondered what would happen if he could just get his hands on the red head and see his eyes roll to the back of his head as he fucked the living lights out of him and hear him moan Luke's name.

Luke changed his train of thought knowing that he'd run into a slight situation if he didn't stop thinking like that. The group talked to each other as he kind of followed behind quietly.

Had Michael even ever had sex? It would surprise him if he had. He was really shy around people.

"Luke, are you okay? Ashton asked you a question and you never answered," Michael said tapping Luke on the shoulder. He had moved away from Jack and was now next to Luke.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Luke said smiling shyly. He noticed that all the boys were looking at him.

Michael moved a bit closer to Luke and Luke felt himself smirk but quickly stopped once he saw Ashton giving him a weird look. They pulled into the restaurant and Michael smiled at Luke. He was trying to be nicer to the rudest member of the band, at least that was his opinion.

"Table for 5," Michael told the waitress and she quickly sat the group down.

They ordered food and the waitress said she'd be right back. Michael was sitting next to Jack again and was leaning his head on his shoulder. Luke thought he liked Ashton. Luke looked over at Ashton and he didn't seem to mind.

"You guys did amazing tonight," Michael said making eye contact with all of the band.

"No, if I had your vocals, we would be 100 times better," Luke flirted and Michael blushed. He was cute when he blushed.

Michael bit on his lip nervously until he eventually talked again.

"You're just saying that. You are amazing live," he said.

"Yeah but we're a full band. You played by yourself," Ashton butted in, Luke glared at his friend but ignored it anyways.

"That's only once though. My band members will be flying in tomorrow. They're actually on the plane right now," Michael argued.

"I'm so excited to meet them, they all seem very cool," Ashton rambled.

"They're all idiots," Michael said laughing.

"You're just saying that because they're your friends," Ashton said pouting.

"Definitely not," Michael said.

"Doesn't one of them have purple hair?" Jack asked getting excited.

"Yup, my step-brother Damien," Ella said nodding.

"He's your step-brother?" Luke asked in shock.

"Yeah," Michael said sheepishly.

"Don't people ship you though?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, we don't exactly look alike and we don't really mention it, so I don't know," he said shrugging his arms.

A different waitress came back with our order and Luke couldn't get over how hot she was. Luke knew he was trying to get with Michael but he completely disregarded that when he saw the waitress.

"And here's your order cutie," she said setting his plate down in front of the blonde.

Luke saw that the napkin she had put under his plate had her number written on it.

"When do you get off of work?" Luke asked smirking.

"In about ten minutes," she said, flipping her hair over her shoulders and smiling. Michael faked gagging along with Ashton.

"You should come and hang out," he winked.

"Deal," she said smiling.

She walked away and left the boys staring at Luke in shock. It wasn't the first time it had happened but normally it happened in the club.

"I guess we're having another sleepover," Ashton muttered to Michael and he giggled.

"Don't worry, you're a good cuddle buddy," he said smiling.

"I see I've been replaced," Jack gasped.

"You were always just my side chick Jackson, obivously," Michael sighed rolling his eyes.

It upset Luke seeing how well the other boys got along with him.

"Yeah, nothing can break up Ashchael," Ashton sneered.

"I would've expected Mashton, not Ashchael," Michael said.

"I like Mack more," Jack butted in.

"No one asked you Jack," Ashton and Michael said at the same time leaving the group all in shock.

"That was weird as fuck," Michael muttered, his eyes going wide. His cussing caused the whole table to look at him with wide eyes as well.

"You just cussed," Connor said shocked.

"I'm not three Connor," Michael laughed.

"But you're like quiet and you hate everyone," Luke said and Michael just glared at him.

"I don't think he hates everyone, just you mate," Connor said patting him on the back.

"I don't hate anyone, I'm just a quiet person that doesn't do well in social situations because of anxiety," Michael muttered, "I get really scared and say the dumbest things in front of new people. I'm afraid to talk to new people."

"Anxiety my ass," Luke muttered back.

He felt someone kick him under the table and he saw Connor glaring at him, so much for having his band members on his side.


I don't understand why all my updates are so fucking long for this book. All my prewritten ones are almost 2000 words yikes!!


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