Chapter 2

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Lily's P.O.V.

So far today has been pretty boring, but when is it never boring? Also it was a pretty shit day, since I had to deal with the asshats who like to bully me all day. Usually it never bothered me, but today wasn't that great since I couldn't see my friends during the day since the school decided to separate all of us. And of course the leader of the preps in this school kept annoying the shit out of me today. Meghan thinks that because she is their "leader" she controls everyone in our high school. Typically bitch. I walked to my history class (which is right before lunch) and picked a random seat to sit in. I took out my iPod and put my music on shuffle since I absolutely hate history and didn't care to pay attention to the annoying teacher. I took my sketch book out of my backpack and began to doodle since I didn't really know exactly what I wanted to draw just yet. From the corner of my eye, I saw Meghan walking towards me. I let out a quick sigh and looked up at her. "What the fuck do you want you skanky bitch?"

Her face grew red with anger. All my comment did was piss her off. I smirked at her reaction. "Don't call me that you EMO FREAK!" She took a breath. "I want that seat, so you better move your disgusting ass."

I laughed at her comment. "You're pathetic. I'm not fucking moving, so why don't you go and find a different seat. I was here first slut." She glared at me when I called her a slut. She flipped me off, walking to a different seat. I sighed. Just my luck, she has been in all of my classes today. Can someone just please shoot me now. I heard the bell ring, and the history teacher stood up to introduce himself and proceeded to talk about the rules of his class and what he expects of the students. Blah blah blah. I stretched out since I was feeling a bit stiff and looked at the front of the class and I instantly regretted it. Our history teacher, Mr. Jordan, looked extremely pissed and everyone else in the class was looking in my direction. I hesitantly took out my earbuds and looked at him causing him to angrily sigh.

"Lily... are you going to answer my question?" When he said that I just rolled my eyes. "Well obviously I would, but I have no idea what the question is, sooooooo... no I am not going to answer it." I said innocently with a smirk on my face.

He let out an irritated growl and his face turned bright red. "DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL YOUNG LADY. I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR BRATTY ATTITUDE!"

I rolled my eyes at that. "Whatever, it's not like I had anything better to do anyway." I went back to my doodle. I sighed. Man, my dad is going to be so pissed at me for getting in trouble on the first day of school. The lunch bell rang. I couldn't be any happier. I FINALLY get to hang out with my best friends. I packed up all my things and headed to the cafeteria, scanning the area for them. Spotting them, I walked over to their table. "Hey Alexia and Crystal!"

"Hey Lily!" They said in unison. I smiled, it was always so cool, yet creepy when they did stuff like that. They are twin sisters, and I admittedly always had a hard time figuring out who was who. Because they were hella chill and understanding, Crystal decided to dye her hair blonde just so I could tell them apart. I'm sure that wasn't really the reason why she did it, but that is what she tells me.

"Hey, let's go outside and eat there away from all these people." Crystal gave a small frown.

"But its so freaking cold outside!" she whispered. "Can't we just hang out after school?" I frowned slightly and sighed.

"I won't be able to hang out after school today. The asshole history teacher gave me detention. Guess I'll see you guys later!" They nodded and I headed out the building, walking over to the small park that was across the street. I sat down on one of the swings and started to swing. This usually lets me clear whatever is going on in my mind, and just think about life in general. I let out a big yawn. In the corner of my eye, I saw the same guy who rudely bumped into me earlier staring at me while in the forest. Okay, what the actually fuck. I rolled my eyes at the whole ordeal; this guy is definitely a pervert. "STOP STARING AT ME ASSHOLE!" Big mistake. He started running towards me with something in his hand. I couldn't really make out what it was since he was a bit of a ways away, but watching all the horror movies that I do, I knew that it was not anything good. I really need to learn when to control my fucking mouth. I normally wouldn't have been scared of some random ass guy, since I could easily kick their ass, but whatever was in his hand made me extremely uneasy. From here, it looks like he was wearing some sort of mask, but even without the mask, I could tell that he had a crazed look in his eyes. This honestly scared the hell out of me so I got up and ran as fast as I could towards the school. I turned my head while I was running to see how far away, he was from me to find out that he had almost caught up with me. I am so fucked.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now