Chapter 3

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Jeff's P.O.V.

I was talking a casual stroll in the woods when I saw that annoying ass girl from earlier. I frowned. God she really does know how to piss me off. Luckily for me, after tonight I will no longer have to worry about the dumb bitch since I am planning on killing her tonight. She chose the wrong dude to run her mouth on. I think what really is ticking me off right now is the fact that I have not been able to kill anyone for the last few days. Everyone is getting all paranoid and smart about keeping themselves safe. Lucky for them, shitty for me. I sigh angrily. This blood lust is getting out of hand, I need to get rid of it before I go back to the others or else shit won't be good for me. Looking over at her, I chuckle. She's going to be absolutely perfect, just wait sweet little darling. I felt myself smiling like a maniac. She's going to be so unlucky... I'm not just going to kill her, but I'm going to make her suffer. Watching her suffer is going to be so much fucking fun. OOOOOOOO I got it! I know how to make her suffer really bad. No matter how bad I want to kill that bitch tonight, I think I'll wait. I'll kill her family and that bratty friend of hers first and save her for last. I laughed quietly since I didn't want to alert her of my presence just quite yet. I looked back over to her and studied her. She was listening to music and was swinging on a swing. Wow, isn't she a bit too old for that? I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the girl yell "STOP STARING AT ME ASSHOLE!" Fuck, I didn't realize how far out of the forest I was. That's the last fucking straw, I CANNOT stand people that have the nerve to talk to me like that. After all, I am a serial killer. I grabbed the knife from my hoodie pocket and started to run towards her. She stared at me, processing what was happening, before finally starting to run herself towards the school building. I decided to wait to pick up my pace until I saw her look back because people tend to do that. She had a terrified look on her face, and I started laughing like a madman. I reach out to grab her shoulder when I tripped on something that fell out of her bad. "God dammit." I muttered. Lucky bitch. I stood back up and was about to run after her again then realizing that she was already across the street. She's so lucky that I do not want to risk getting seen by other people. I don't need my cover here to be blown just yet without being able to murder someone. I grunted and stuffed my knife in my hoodie pocket and looked down at the object that had tripped me. It look like a journal of some kind. I picked it up and observed it more carefully. My smile widened. This journal is going to help me a lot. I looked inside to the front page and found her name. "Lily..." I muttered. Well now Lily, you are going to get a very lovely surprise when you get home. I laughed evilly. I stuffed the journal into my hoodie with my knife and started to walk towards her house. Oh, how this is going to be so much fun.

Lily's P.O.V.

I stopped once I had noticed that the man stopped chasing me. I was breathing heavily and trying to catch my breath. Once I caught my breath, I hurried over to my locker to grab all the things that I needed for the rest of the school day, stuffing them in my backpack. I sighed. Man, I was so tired after running that fast. I think my adrenaline finally stopped. Ugh my body aches. No time to worry about this now, I'll have to worry about this when walking home though... I'll probably call dad to let him know what happened and so that he can come pick me up from school. I just do not trust that guy at all. He is an absolute madman. What the hell was this guys problem? Yeah, I know I pissed him off, but to scare someone like that? It's not cool. There was something about that guy that seems very familiar... I wonder why. My train of thought was interrupted by Alexia walking up to me. I panicked because I knew that she was going to be pissed at me for leaving the building all by myself knowing that strange guy was out there. "Oh hey Alexia!" I said in my normal voice.

"Lily... What the fuck happened? I saw you rush into the school with a panicked look on your face. Don't you dare lie to me." She had her hands on her hips. I couldn't even lie to her if I wanted to, since she was my best friend. We literally shared everything with each other. I explained to her what had happened while I was outside. Yep, I was right, she is beyond pissed. "God dammit Lily! What the hell were you thinking? You should know better than to-" The bell interrupted her. This causing her to be even more pissed.

I looked away from her ashamed of what had happened, because she was right. I knew better. "Whatever Alexia. I'll talk to you later today when I am out of detention." I walked away, heading to my next class. All I can think about is that stupid fucking guy. Ugh, I'm just ready for this nightmare of a day to be over. This is too much for me for one day.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now