Chapter 11

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of Alexia crying. "Hey Alexia are you ok?" I quickly got up and rushed to her side. She shook her head. It must not be good because she was never upset. "Oh my god what happened Alexia?"

She started crying. "It's Crystal... S-she didn't m-make it..." She put her hands to her face and wept quietly.

"Oh my.. I'm so sorry Alexia!" I gave her a hug. "I will always be here for you. Don't ever forget that ok?" She nodded her head. I looked over at the clock. It read 2:43 am. "Well why don't go back to sleep and figure out what we are going to do in the morning." She nodded and pulled the covers up. I walked back to my bed and laid down. Wow. My life was really screwed up right now. First my mom, then dad, then my best friends parents and now Crystal. I started crying. Why was all this happening to me? I took out my iPod and put it on shuffle.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I walked up to a house that was calling to me. I don't know what was so special about it, but I always followed my gut. I climbed up to the bedroom window and saw Lily. Why wasn't she at her house. I looked closer at her and saw that she was crying. Why was she crying? I didn't like to see her like this. Was this because of me? Man I don't think I would ever forgive myself if I caused her to be this sad. I wanted to go in there and comfort her, but I don't think that would be the greatest idea. She was probably still mad at me for killing her parents. I sighed. Why do I have to be such an idiot? I jumped down from the window and walked across the street. I still needed to kill so that I can control myself around her. I climbed up to the window and climbed in. Man people are stupid these days. They always leave their windows open. I saw a couple asleep in the bedroom. I smiled. This was going to be easy. I walked up to the guy and covered his mouth. He woke up and his eyes widened. I smiled like a maniac. "Why don't you Go To SLEEP!" I plunged my knife into his heart. I watched his slowly dying eyes and chuckled. The girl woke up and started to scream seeing her almost dead partner. I quickly slit her throat. "Go to sleep you pathetic human." I looked at my kills with satisfaction. Now to go visit my lovely little Lily.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now