Chapter 10

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Lily's P.O.V.

I knocked on my friends door. No answer. Weird, they always answer right away. Maybe they went out to dinner. I decided to sit down on the chair that was on the porch. If they did go out for dinner, it wouldn't be long until they got home. I decided to play on my iPod to pass the time. In the middle of playing Temple Run, I heard a rustle in the bushes. I ignored it. I swear, if that's Jeff doing that I was going to murder him. I heard running coming towards me. I looked up to see Alexia running towards me. I quickly got up and met her in the driveway. "Alexia what's wrong? Where's Crystal and your parents?"

She looked like she was about to cry. "There was a car accident. I wasn't in the car, I was at work when it happened. They were late picking me up and so I decided to walk home. Then I saw our car. The scene was awful!! Mom and dad are dead and Crystal is the hospital." She was crying really hard now. I gave her a hug to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry Alexia!"

She stopped crying and looked at my packed bags. "Why is your stuff here?"

"Well, I came to live with you guys because someone killed my dad and I don't want to stay in that house. Looks like we both had a very bad day." She nodded and unlocked the door. We both walked inside and headed up to her room.

"You can sleep in Crystal's bed tonight."

"Ok sounds good." I put my stuff next to the bed and sat onto the bed. I closed the window and locked it since it was right next to the bed. I don't want any visits from Jeff anytime soon. "Night Alexia."

"Good night Lily."

Jeff's P.O.V.

I woke up to someone banging on my door. "What do you want! I was taking a nap." Whoever was banging on my door was going to pay.

"You need to come out. Slendy wants to talk to you!" Yelled BEN.

"Fine! Tell him I'll be there in a minute." He walked away. I grabbed my now clean sweatshirt and put it on. I stuffed my knife into the pocket. I sighed and opened the door. I walked to Slendy's office.

"Come on in Jeff." I walked in. He motioned me to the chair that was next to him, and I walked over and sat down.

"What did you to talk to me about?"

"I want to know why you were crying and why you haven't killed that girl." I already know that he knows the answer, but he wants to hear it from me. I sighed.

"Well, I killed Lily's dad and I regret doing it because I love her." I whispered the last part.

"I see. Well, why don't you try to talk to her? She seems like a forgiving person. I am upset though for you not telling me about this sooner."

I looked down. I was going to talk to you about it after I got some rest but BEN had to ruin that."

"Ok. You are dismissed."

I thanked him and headed downstairs. "I'm going to go kill!" I walked out of the house and went to go find my next victims.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now