Chapter 7

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up laying on my bed. My dad must have carried me to my room last night. I sat up and looked at my alarm clock. It read 7:35 a.m. Shit! I'm going to be late for school if I don't hurry up. I quickly got ready for school. I was just going to skip breakfast for today. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. "Hey dad I'm leaving. Love you!" I headed out. After about 5 minutes of walking, I went to go grab my iPod, but it wasn't there. I left it at home, just great. I had no time to go back and get it. Today was going to suck. I sighed.

"Why so down?" Asked a male voice.

"Uh... I just forgot something and I don't have time to go get it." I turned around to greet the boy who was talking to me. I started to scream. It was that guy that was in my house last night. "Please leave me alone! I never did anything to you. Please let me be."

He just looked at me and laughed. "Now why would I do that?" He teased. I started to cry.

"Please" I whispered.

"Don't cry." He wiped the tears from my eyes. I looked at him.

"C-could I p-please see your f-face?" He nodded. He slowly took off his hood. I gasped at what I saw. His hair was burnt black and his skin looked like it was bleached white. His eyelids were burnt off and he had a smile from ear to ear carved in his face. He was so beautiful! Wait, no he's not. What am I thinking? I saw him blush and he quickly put his hood up to cover his face. I giggled a little at the sight of bright pink on his face. "Aw. I saw that."

"I have to go. Bye!" He ran off. He was clearly embarrassed. I continued to walk to school. My dad was going to be so pissed when he finds out that I'm going to be late again.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I can't believe she saw that. What was wrong with her? She wasn't shocked to see my face. She was the only girl to ever not to be creeped out by it. I blushed because she was staring at me in awe. God dammit. I can't deny that I have feelings for her. I had to have her to myself. I feel really bad about what I'm going to do now, but she deserves it. You don't ever mess with a killer.

I walked up to her house. I knocked on the door and waited. I usually don't do this but I didn't want to kill in a bedroom right now. I wanted her to suffer right when she walked in her house. Her dad open the door and gave me a look of disgust.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"I want you to GO TO SLEEP!" I tackled him to the ground and pulled out my knife. I quickly slit his throat so that he couldn't say anything. I laughed. I put his blood all over me and dipped my fingers in his neck. I wrote 'go to sleep' on his chest. After that I walked over to the wall and wrote 'your next sexy.' I wasn't going to kill her yet. I want to give her the scare of a life time. I might even possibly make her feel pain. I laughed at the idea. I got up and locked the closed door. I didn't want her to suspect anything when she got home. I jumped out of the open window and ran towards slender mansion. When I walked through the front door, I was greeted by my dog Smile. "Hey there buddy." I scratched his head. "I'm home" I yelled.

"Don't forget to wash your sweatshirt Jeff!" Yelled Slendy.

"I won't." I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room. The only reason I had to wash it was because Masky doesn't like when my clothes are covered in blood. I threw my sweatshirt on the floor and jumped on my bed. I was going to wash it after I take a small nap. I was exhausted.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now