Chapter 19

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Lily's P.O.V.

I was a little scared to go see Alexia to be honest. I didn't know if she was ok or what. I didn't want to think of losing someone else that I love. We finally made it to the hospital and we walked up to the front desk. "We are here to visit Alexia Jones."

"She's in room 58." The receptionist gave me and Jeff visitor passes.

"Thanks" Jeff and I headed over to room 58. I finally found it after around 5 minutes. Yes I did get us lost in a small hospital. I'm just that talented. I took a deep breath before we walked in the room. Jeff slightly squeezed my hand to comfort me. I smiled at him and we walked in. Alexia was asleep in the hospital bed. Good, she was still alive. The doctor came in and look at us. "Oh hi there doctor! So what exactly is Alexia's condition at the moment?"

He kind of looked at me with a sad expression. "Well.. Alexia is in a coma."

I looked at him with shock. "N-no!! She can't be!"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry miss, but she is."

"When will she wake up?" I whispered.

"Unfortunately, we do not know. But if anything new happens, we will inform you right away."

I nodded. "Ok well thanks doc." I walked over to Alexia and hugged her. "Please wake up soon Lexi." Lexi was her old nickname that I gave Alexia. I sighed and looked at Jeff. "Lets go home Jeff."

Jeff's P.O.V.

When she turned to look at me, there was sadness in her eyes. I didn't like seeing her like this. I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the hospital together. Once we got out of the hospital, I picked up Lily bridal style and walked her home. She was crying in my chest. "Shhhh... It's ok Lily. She will wake up soon. For now just go to sleep my precious." She nodded and fell asleep in my arms. I smiled down at her. I walked in through the front door of the place she was staying at. I discovered that this place was a huge mess. God dammit Jack, I thought I told you to stay away. I quickly went upstairs and layed Lily down on the bed. I got into the bed next to her and I pulled her close. This was very comfortable. I quickly fell asleep.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now