Chapter 22

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to arms being wrapped around me. I tried to get away but I was pulled closer to Jack. I was not liking this one bit. He was really scaring me. I just wanted to be in Jeff's arms.

"Good morning Lily."

"Morning" I said. "Can I go visit my friend that's in the hospital today??"

"Hmmm.. Let me think about it."

"Ok" I whispered. "Can you let go of me now??"

"No... It's too comfy to move. I like it like this."

"Well I really don't. I'm hungry!"

"Fine. What do you want to eat?"

"Um.... Lets go to Denny's!! I really want some pancakes right now."

"Fine." He got up and he changed into what I suppose is his illusion form. He didn't look scary now. He was wearing a black and white striped shirt and some black pants. He was still pretty pale and had his jet black hair. "Ok. Lets go now." He grabbed my hand and walked me out of the tent. I instantly pulled my hand away and he growled at me.

"S-sorry..." I said.

"That's ok Lily. Whenever we go out in public I want you to hold my hand so then you won't run away. We wouldn't want that to happen now would we?"

I quickly shook my head knowing that he will kill me if I didn't do what I was told. I hope that we will bump into Jeff while we're out. I don't know how long I will be able to do this.

"That's what I thought." He grabbed my hand and we both walked to Denny's.

After we finished eating, Jack decided that we were going to walk to the abandoned park that was close to my old house. I actually liked going there because no one would come and bother me. Maybe that's why Jack knows about me. I went straight for the swing set and sat on the swing. Jack pushed me on the swing. I really didn't like him doing that but I was too afraid to tell him.

"Lily, I will be right back. I have to go get something. You have to stay here or else I will find and kill you. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head. He walked away in the forest. I wonder where he was going to go and what he was going to get. It obviously had to be something pretty important if he had to leave me all by myself. I continued to swing and my thoughts went to Alexia. I wonder when she was going to wake up. Maybe she was already awake and she wanted to see me but I never came for her. My heart shattered at that thought. I want her to know that we are still friends. I felt tears come to my eyes. What a horrible friend I was. I can't even be there with her and I yelled at her and caused her to be in this mess in the first place. I wanted to die. I looked around for something sharp so I could slit my neck. I didn't want to deal with any more problems. I got up from the swing and looked around in the sand. After about five minutes, I finally found a broken glass shard. 'Perfect' I thought to myself. I picked up the shard and examined it. This should do the trip. 'Goodbye cruel world' I thought to myself as I brought the glass shard up to my neck.

Jeff's P.O.V.

"Are we all ready to go?" Slendy asked all of us.

We all nodded our heads. The search group for Lily consisted of me, Masky, Hoodie, Ben, Eyeless Jack, and Slendy. Hopefully we will be able to find Lily today. That would be awesome. We all headed out the door and walked through the woods to where Lily was staying at before Jack took her. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do when he found him. "So what's the plan?"

"Well we are going to all stay together so if we do run into Lj we can fight him off, but we are going to go to her house and investigate to see if we can find some clues." Slendy stated.

I nodded my head. This hopefully will not take all day. When we got to her house, I heard talking. What? "Hey guys, do you hear that?"

"Yeah." They all said in unison.

"Lets go check it out!" Masky said.

We all went back to the forest as our hiding spot and walked over to the abandoned park. I saw them. Lily and Jack. Lily looked really freaked out and she was swinging on the swing with Jack pushing her. "There she is!!" I whispered.

Jack finally looked over and saw us. He had a pissed off look on his face. He told Lily something that made her eyes go wider and she nodded quickly. He smiled at her and walked over to us in the forest. "Well well well, what a pleasant surprise. You all decided that you were all going to come and save Lily. How sweet." Laughing Jack snickered.

"Jack just let her go. She doesn't want to be with you. You scare her." Hoodie spoke up.

Jack just snickered. "And what are you going to do about it?"

"We will fight you. Whoever wins gets to have Lily." Slendy said. I looked at Slendy like he was crazy. He couldn't be saying that. What if Jack won? I would never be able to have Lily in my arms again. That's just not fair. I will make sure we win this.

He snickered even more. "Well you might as well just hand Lily over to me then. We all know that I am going to win."

"No you won't!" I yelled as I charged a him with my knife raised in my hands.

"Tsk tsk." Jack said as he vanished and reappeared behind me. I ran right into the tree and my knife was stuck.

"Dammit!!" I yelled in frustration.

I looked over to where Lily was to see that she was looking for something. What was she doing. I stopped dead in my tracks watching her. She picked up a piece of glass and lifted it up to her throat. "Slendy!! Hurry!! Lily's going to kill herself!!" I yelled.

Slendy looked over at Lily who now had the shard of glass on her throat.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now