Chapter 18

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Lily's P.O.V.


I was in some kind of abandoned amusement park place. "Pop Goes the Weasel" was playing in the background and there was children singing. Being the curious person i am, i wanted to go check it out. I went towards the children wanting to know what was going on.

~End of dream~

I woke up to Jeff shaking me violently. "Hmm.. I was sleeping!" That dream did not seem right to me, but I dismissed it.

"Don't go to sleep anytime soon please! Jack's trying to take you from me!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever Jeff." I got up and brushed my short hair. I really needed to dye it again so I was going to go buy some more blue hair dye. "Are you gonna come with me?"

He nodded. "Then lets go!"

"Hold on a sec." All of a sudden Jeff looked like a completely different person. Like the guy at the mall.. That was Jeff. "Illusion form. I use it so people don't know it's me whenever I go somewhere public."

"Oh. Well lets go now!" I grabbed his hand and we walked to the mall.

Jeff's P.O.V.

Lily wanted to re-dye her hair before she went and saw Alexia. I wanted to go with her because I didn't want Jack trying anything. Especially after what happened earlier.

~Flashback :O~

I woke up to a bang coming from downstairs. I looked down to see Lily still sleeping peacefully in my arms. I smiled down at her. I stayed where I was and pulled out my knife from my pocket just in case whatever came from downstairs wouldn't hurt her. After about 5 minutes, nothing happened, so I starting stroking Lily's hair. I still had the knife in my hand, but I wasn't on my guard. Then something slammed the door open. I quickly laid Lily on the bed and got up to face the intruder. I growled. "What do you want Jack?" I spat at him.

He smirked like a mad man. "Oh I think you know Jeff." He started to snicker and look over at Lily still sleeping peacefully. Damn she was a deep sleeper.

"You leave her alone! She is mine and mine only!"

He chuckled. "Whatever you want to say Jeffy." I growled at the nickname.

"Don't call me that!" He snickered more and took a step forward. "Leave now Jack!"

"Fine. But I will be back Jeffy." He snickered more and vanished.

~End of flashback~

I had never trusted Laughing Jack. He always annoyed me. I already did want to kill him because o how annoying he was, but now it's because he wants MY Lily. That was never going to happen. I must of been deep in thought because Lily was shaking me.

"Jeff are you ok? You looked really pissed!"

"Sorry, I was just lost in thought." I shook my head. I just am acting stupid at the moment. I mentally face palmed myself. "Well lets hurry up and get this over with."

"Ok!" She grabbed my hand and she pulled me to Hot Topic. This is going to suck.

Lily's P.O.V.

We walked into Hot Topic and I pulled Jeff with me to the hair dye. I picked out the blue hair dye and walked over to the register still holding Jeff's hand.

"That will be $9 miss." I handed him a ten.

"Keep the change. And do you happen to know if that I got the job here?"

"Here let me go find out." He went and grabbed a bunch of papers and went through them. "Aha! Your name is Lily right?" I nod my head. "Yes, you did get the job. You will start next week."

"Thanks so much." I grabbed the due and Jeff and I left the store. 'Yay!' I thought to myself. I actually got the job. For some strange reason I thought I heard "Pop Goes the Weasel" playing but I shook it off. Didn't get enough sleep last night. My mind must be playing tricks on me.

When we got home, I went to the bathroom and pulled out the dye. I was only going to the the ends of my hair blue. I pulled out my iPod and played some music. "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk came on and I sang along. Jeff even started singing along while he was sitting on the chair watching my dye my hair.

~45 minutes later~

My hair was finally all done. "Ok Jeff, lets go visit Alexia now!" He nodded and he grabbed my hand. I smiled and we walked to the hospital to go see my best friend.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now