Chapter 21

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Jeff's P.O.V.

"LILY NOOOOO!!!!" I tried to grab her but Jack vanished. God dammit!! What am I going to do?? What does Jack want with her?? There is just too many questions and no answers. I ran to the slender mansion and slammed the door behind me.

"Jeff, why are you so pissed?" Masky asked me.

"Laughing Jack took Lily!" I am beyond frustrated right now.

"Let me go get Slendy!" Masky quickly ran up the stairs to go get Slendy. Hopefully Slendy will be able to help me get her back. I swear to god, if Jack hurts Lily I will murder him. Not like I'm already planning on doing that anyway.

"Jeff, what's this I hear?" Slendy quickly came down the stairs.

"Laughing Jack stole Lily from me!!!"

I grew more and more pissed when everybody kept asking the same questions when we could be going to go save Lily right now.

"Well, this is not good. Lj always has something up his sleeves. We will go look for them in the morning."

I punched the wall in frustration. "Why in the morning? We need to go find her now Slendy!"

"Jeff, we leave in the morning and that's final. Now get some rest."

I quickly ran up to my room and slammed my door shut. I don't understand Slendy sometimes. I need Lily to be ok and I want to be with her. I jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep knowing that my beautiful Lily could be in a lot of danger. This was going to be a long night.

Lily's P.O.V.

I was scared out of my mind right now. Jack took me to some kind of abandoned amusement park. It was the same one that I have seen in my dream the other night. Maybe it wasn't nothing after all. I should have told Jeff about it. I didn't like this place at all. It was dark and very messed up. All the stuffed animals were hung by nooses. I just wanted to break down and cry, but I needed to be strong. I wanted Jeff back so bad.

"So.... Lily, how do you like it?"

I just ignored him and sat on the ground. This can't be happening. I just wanted to go home.

I heard him growl. "Are you going to answer my question Lily?"

I shook my head. "I want to go home!"

"Well that's not going to happen. I can't let Jeff hurt you anymore."

"What do you mean? Jeff is not hurting me!"

He chuckled. "Oh but he is. You just don't know it. He is changing you into one of us. I'm protecting you from that. I don't think you wanted to be a killer."

"I would never become a killer! Are you crazy or something?"

"Why yes I am! How nice of you to notice." He smiled like a mad man. He was really scaring me. "Well you need to get some rest so let me show you where you are going to sleep." Heh, like I'm going to be able to sleep. He led me to a black and white striped tent. He pointed to the bed inside it. "There you go! Have a good nights rest Lily!"

He is way too cheerful. It scares me. "Thanks I guess." I walked into the tent and sat on the bed. He sat down next to me. "Ummm.. What are you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep too silly. There's only one bed." He smirked. I did not like this idea at all.

"Oh...." I did not want to sleep next to this creep. He scared me enough as it is. I laid back and stayed as close as I could to the side so that we weren't touching each other. I heard Jack chuckle. God he was super super creepy. I just stared and the black and white striped tent until I finally fell asleep.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now