Chapter 23

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Lily's P.O.V.

As I held the piece of glass to my neck, I cried. 'Maybe I shouldn't do this, I still have Jeff that loves and cares about me.' But I didn't want to be a burden in anybody else's lives. My thoughts were interrupted by a black tentacle thing grabbing my hand and pulling it away from my throat. I looked up to see who saved me, and I screamed. It was a really tall man wearing a black suit and had a red tie. He had no face so it really scared me. "W-what do you want from me?" I asked the mysterious figure.

"I want you to be safe child. Jeff really needs you. Alexia is going to be waking soon and I don't think that she would be happy about a dead friend."

"Wait... How do you know about Alexia?"

He chuckled softly. "Well, my child, I am SlenderMan. I know everything. But please just call me Slendy."

"Wow.. Thanks for saving me Slendy, but what about Jack?"

"Don't worry Lily, Jeff is going to fight him to see who gets to keep you. Jeff will end up winning. So while we wait for the fight to be over, and make sure that Jack doesn't cheat, I will take you to my home."

"But how will we get to your house in time?"

"Take my hand child. I won't hurt you." He held out his hand and I took it. The next thing that I know, I was in the living room of a really fancy mansion.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" I looked around and took in my surroundings.

He chuckled. "Here, let me show you to Jeff's room so that you can rest."

"Ok." He led me up to Jeff's room. "Thanks Slendy!"

"No problem child. Now get some rest."

I nodded my head and closed the door. I crawled into Jeff's bed and I quickly fell asleep.

Jeff's P.O.V.

"Jack, just leave her alone. She doesn't love you! She loves me!"

He growled at that. He didn't want to believe that. "Yes she does Jeff! Stop lying to yourself!! She cuddled with me last night!"

I felt anger rise up in me. That's not true. Lily wouldn't ever do such things. "Stop lying Jack!" I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground. "And no using your powers to cheat!"

He snickered. "Well fine then!" He easily pushed me off of him. I ran back towards him and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Two can play at this game Jeff." He snickered more and wrapped his claw like fingers around my neck. I didn't care if he hurt me, as long as Lily was safe away from him, I would be happy. I tightened my grip and his neck and he smirked at me. He tightened the grip on my neck and well, but his claws caused my neck to start to bleed a little. I looked him straight in the eye as I got an idea. I kneed him in his groin. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I quickly grabbed my knife from the tree and I picked up Jack and pinned him to the tree. I put the knife up to his neck. "Leave Lily alone." He just rolled his eyes.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Jeff." He pushed me off him and pinned me down to the ground. "Lily will be mine Jeff, just face it. You know your changing the poor thing into one of us. I don't think she wants that."

"Yes I know. But she won't fully become one of us if she doesn't except it." I loosed from his grip and punched him in the face. He growled at me and vanished. "Jack!! I said no cheating you wimp!!!" He reappeared holding my knife.

"Looking for something Jeffy?" I growled at him. I looked around and found and sharp rock. 'That should do it.' I picked it up and threw it at Jack. He fell to the ground holding his forehead. Blood was going everywhere. I quickly ran over to him and grabbed my knife. While I bent down to get it, Jack pulled my hair causing me to fall to the ground. This guy never gives up. He kicked me very hard in the side.

"Oww!!" I cried out in pain. He kicked me again, making me cough up blood. He went to kick me again, but I grabbed his foot and pulled him to the ground. He gasped for air. I laughed at him. There was blood everywhere! I pulled him up and punched him in the face again, causing his cheek to start bleeding.

"Fine!! I give up!! Take Lily!! I will find someone else! I will leave her alone for now. Just watch your guys' backs." He vanished before I could do anything else to him. I will finally have my Lily back. I feel so relieved right now. I fell to the ground and stared at the sky.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now