Chapter 9

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Lily's P.O.V.

I walked home thinking about Jeff. Did he like me? I don't think he does. When I walk up to the door, I smelt something that was not right. I quickly unlocked the door and headed inside. I screamed. My dad was on the ground dead. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Please help me. I just came home and my dad is on the floor dead." I started crying.

"Where are you?" I gave them my address. "The police are on their way. Good bye."

"Bye" I hung up the phone. Why couldn't this have been me. He didn't deserve to die. He didn't do anything wrong. I looked down at him and saw writing on his chest. It said "GO TO SLEEP!" I quickly ran to the bathroom and I threw up. This has to be a nightmare. I heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped my mouth and got up. I opened the door still crying.

"I'm truly sorry ma'am. Can we please come in?"

I nodded. "Do you know who did this by any chance?"

"We'll from the carved smile in his face and go to sleep written on him, it seems that Jeff the Killer did it." I didn't even realize the carved smile on my dads face. I quickly looked away and saw something on the wall. I walked over and nearly threw up again. In blood, the words "your next sexy" were written on the wall. I started crying harder. I was going to die too. The officer noticed me and walks over. He looks at the words and then back at me.

"Don't worry ma'am, you will not get hurt. Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Y-yes. I could go to my friends house."

"That sounds good for now until this place is fixed up of you find somewhere else to live. Pack up some things and go now so that we can start the investigation." I nodded and went up to my room.

When I was done packing, it hit me. Jeff the killer killed my dad and he's after me. It's the same guy that has been stalking me for the past few days. The guy that I was starting to like. He didn't love me. He wanted me dead. I cried more.

I grabbed my things and headed over to my friends house.

Jeff's P.O.V.

"Jeff, are you ok in there."

"Yeah I'm fine Masky."

"Then why are to crying?"

"I'm fine!! Now leave me alone!" I heard him walk away. Man I hated when people saw me like this. This is the first time that I have ever regretted doing something. The feeling took over me. Now I ruined my chance with Lily. She will never love me. Why do I have to be so reckless? I sighed. I'll talk to Slendy later about this so I can get over it. I have to see Lily again. I'll kill before I see her though so the feeling won't take over me. Hopefully i'll be able to talk to her and get her to forgive me. For now I just needed some rest. I haven't slept for the past few days. I lied back on my bed and fell asleep.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now