Chapter 16

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to Jeff still stroking my hair. I looked up at him to see that he was deep in thought. I smiled. He was cute when he was thinking. I giggled a bit. He looked down at me.

"I see that your awake now."

"Yup. Did Alexia ever come home?" He slowly nodded his head. "Well then I'm gonna go find her. She's probably down in the kitchen or something. I'll be right back" I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room. When I got downstairs, all the lights were off. That's weird. They were never off down here. "Alexia? Are you down here?" No response. I turned on the kitchen light and I screamed at the sight. "Oh my god Alexia!" She was passed out on the kitchen floor bleeding everywhere. She probably passed out because of the blood loss. I thought she told me that she was never going to do this again. I grabbed the phone and called 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Please hurry. I came home and found my best friend passed out on the kitchen floor covered in blood." I gave the lady on the other line the address of the house.

"The ambulances are on there way."

"Ok thank you!" I hung up the phone and started crying. Why would Alexia do this? Does this mean that are friendship is over? So many questions with no answers.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I heard Lily scream from downstairs. I freaked out and ran downstairs to find out what happen. I found Lily talking on the phone and crying. I looked over to see Alexia laying on the ground in the kitchen covered in her own blood. What happened down here? Once Lily hung up the phone, I walked up behind her and hugged her. "Are you ok Lily? What happened down here?"

She shook her head. "Alexia cut herself and I think she passed out from all the blood loss. The ambulances will be here soon." She was still crying. I let her cry into my shoulder. I rubbed her back in reassurance.

"'s ok my precious. They will fix up Alexia." I heard the sirens. " I have to go Lily, I'll be back." She nodded and I ran upstairs and went to their room. I opened the window and jumped out. I ran to the forest and went to Slender Mansion. I opened the door to the mansion and was greeted by an excited Sally.

"Hey Jeff! Where have you been?? I missed you so much!!" She asked while giving me a huge hug.

"Oh I was out with my friend."

She had a curious look on her face. "Who's your friend??"

"Lily. Do not touch her or else." I gave her a stern look.

"I won't." She said sadly.

I patted her head. "Good Sally. Well I'm going to get some rest now so i will see you in a bit." I headed upstairs and laid on my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sally's P.O.V.

I was happy that Jeff was back. He had been gone for a few days and I really missed playing with him. When I found out that he was hanging out with a girl, I felt really sad. Why would Jeff be replacing me? I promised I wouldn't hurt her because I didn't want Jeff to be mad at me. I sighed. I didn't like this at all. I got up and walked over to Ben's room. "BEN? Will you play with me?" I asked.

"Why can't you play with Jeff?" He complained.

"Jeff is taking a nap. He just got home remember?"

"Oh yeah. What about Slendy? I'm not in the mood to play right now." I sighed. Nobody wanted to play with me anymore. What did I do? Is it because of Jeff's new friend? I don't know but I'm really hating that girl right now.

I walked to Slendy's office. "Hey Slendy? Do you want to play with me? Jeff and Ben don't want to play with me." I said as I felt tears in my eyes.

"Of course Sally. Lets go get Masky and Hoodie to join us."

I felt a lot happier. I loved playing with Masky, Hoodie and Slendy! It was actually a challenge trying to find them when we play hide-n-seek. I quickly run over to Masky and hugged him. It's time to play some hide-n-seek my friend.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now