Chapter 6

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Lily's P.O.V.

After hearing the loud crash, I quickly jumped out of my bed, grabbing the knife that I had always kept under my bed just in case of an emergency like this one. I ran out of my room when I found the same guy that has been following me all day yesterday laying on the floor. I was beyond pissed that he was in my home. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I screamed. All he did was look at me, getting up from the floor. Don't you fucking dare.... I lifted the knife in my hand. "GO AWAY AND NEVER EVER COME BACK! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! YOU FUCKING PERV!" He just stood there dumbfounded, staring at me. There it is again. All he ever does is stare at me. Rage started to boil up inside of me. "STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME AND JUST LEAVE ALREADY!!!" Without even giving him a chance to leave, I threw my knife at him without even thinking about it. Fuck! With my luck, it landed into the man's should and he let out a scream of pain, while grabbing the knife. He glared at me, throwing the knife on the floor.

"You're going to pay missy. Just you wait." He whispered to me, running off. Soon after the man had left, my dad came running towards me.

"Honey, what the hell just happened?" He said while staring at the bloody knife on the floor. I sighed, my body shaking from anger.

"Some asshole came in her and wouldn't listen to me, so I ended up throwing my knife at him in frustration, which then caused him to leave." I felt guilty for not telling him the entire story because he really didn't need to worry about me right now. Mom just died and I couldn't bring myself to causing him anymore worry. I dropped to my knees, the realization of what had just happened to me, and I started to cry. My dad sat next to me on the floor and held me in his arms.

"Don't worry Lily. You are safe now." He whispered while rocking me gently. I nodded. After a few minutes I found myself falling asleep in my dad's arms.

Jeff's P.O.V.

After tripping on that stupid bag, I attempted to get up, but that ended up with me falling on my face again. Dammit, not now. When I heard Lily get out of her bed to come into the hallway, I started to panic. I couldn't think properly, so I ended up just staying where I was, hoping that she wouldn't find me. Of course, she was going to fucking see me. Shit. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She screamed. I smirked. I really like it whenever she was pissed. It's honestly kind of hot. I mentally slapped myself. What the fuck am I saying, no it's not! I looked up at her and finally stood up. I couldn't think of anything to do, so I just stared at her. She lifted up her knife. I chuckled to myself, there was no way in hell that she was going to use it. She doesn't have the guts for something like that. "GO AWAY AND NEVER EVER COME BACK! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! YOU FUCKING PERV!" I continued to stare at her to see how much I can piss her off. "STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME AND JUST LEAVE ALREADY!!!" I was about to reply when I felt a very sharp pain in my shoulder. Holy fucking shit she did it. I screamed in pain. Just because I'm practically immortal does not mean that I can't feel pain. And thanks to that asshat Slenderman, I take forever to heal. I had to take the knife out and I knew it was going to hurt even worse. Grabbing the knife, I pulled it out of my shoulder and cried out in pain. I threw the knife at the floor in pure anger, my blood-lust increasing.

"You're going to pay missy. Just you wait." I ran as fast as I could out of that house and made my way towards Slender's house. When I got there, I could tell that the creature was upset with me, despite not having a face. He cleaned up the wound in my shoulder and told me to go rest. I nodded and walked into my assigned room. I hopped onto my bed, completely forgetting about my shoulder, resulting in me crying out in pain yet again. Fuck, I really need to learn to be more careful and to stop being so reckless. The next time that bitch sees me, she's in for a really big surprised. I laughed. I cannot wait to see the look on her face.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now