Chapter 5

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up with a strange feeling. I sat up from my bed, rubbed my eyes, and looked around my room. It felt as almost if someone was watching me, but that can't be right? I shook my head and looked back down in my bed, realizing that I was still in my clothes from the day. Just fucking great. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was only 3:30 AM. Woo! Still a few more hours of sleep. It was way too early for me to even be awake. Memories suddenly flooded my mind from earlier today of my dad crying. I felt a tightness in my chest realizing that it was not a dream. I sighed, getting up and walking over to my dresser when all of a sudden I saw movement from the corner of my eye. It's only a tree, right? I laughed nervously. "H-hello? Is someone there?" I said quietly, since I didn't want to wake my mourning father. I didn't get a reply, so I shrugged it off. Silly ole me thinking there was someone outside the house. I must be paranoid. I grabbed a baggy t-shirt and some basketball shorts from my dresser and changed out of my morning clothes. I slowly made my way back to the comfortable looking bed, crawling in it, putting my blankets over me. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when I heard a loud crashing noise.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I made my way towards Lily's house and climbed to her window. Tonight, is the night. I have to kill her, and I want to watch her suffer oh so badly. When I finally was able to make my way into her room, I had found the girl fast asleep on her bed. Looking at her, I noticed that she was still wearing the clothes from earlier in the day. I guess its safe to assume that something bad had happened to her.... I mentally slapped myself. Why the hell do I care for this girl anyway? She has no importance in my life. She must die. I hid within the shadows of her room and waited for her to wake up so I could then kill her. It's much more fun killing someone when they are begging for their life. She can't beg for mercy is she is asleep, now can she?

Ten minutes has passed when she finally woke up. She had a very confused look on her face, as if something was going on. I grabbed the knife from my hoodie pocket as she got out of her bed and walked out over to her dresser. As I started to walk towards her, she began to speak. "H-hello? Is someone there?" For some unknown reason, I froze. How the hell did she know that I was in here? It's pitch black. Hell, I can barely see in here. She shrugged it off after a couple minutes and she started to get changed into her nighttime clothes. I quickly put my head down since I didn't want to see that. I cannot fall for this pathetic girl. I kept that on repeat in my head until she got into her bed and fell asleep. I let out a very quiet sigh. I knew I wasn't going to be able to kill her, so I might as well kill her dad while I'm here. I made my way out of Lily's open bedroom door and walked over to what I assumed to be her dad's room. In the hallway I ended up tripping over a backpack that I did not see and fell onto the floor, causing a loud crashing noise. SHIT! I've done fucked up this time.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now