Chapter 24

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Lily's P.O.V.

I woke up to find Jeff sleeping next to me in his bed with his arms around me. 'Yay! It's Jeff' I thought to myself. I was trying to calm myself down so that I didn't wake him. I can't believe that I was back with him. I immediately felt a lot more safe and happy. I laid my head on his chest and I listened to his heart beat. I was startled when he started to stroke my hair. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. "I missed you so much Lily."

"I missed you to Jeff! I thought I was never going to see you again." I felt tears come to my eyes remember what happened earlier.

"Don't worry Lily. Jack won't be bugging us anymore. You will always be mine." I smiled more and he wiped my eyes.

"Let's go downstairs."


He grabbed my hand and we both headed downstairs. "I'll show you to the others. They are all excited to me you Lily." I nodded my head and stayed behind him still holding his hand because I was honestly quite scared to meet this others that Jeff was talking about. I know that they are all CreepyPastas. I've already met Laughing Jack and SlenderMan, who owns the mansion. "Don't be scared Lily. I'll protect you, I won't let anyone touch you." That calmed me down a bit. I'm glad that Jeff was mine. We ran into a masked man that was heading upstairs. It seemed as if he didn't have any eyes. "Eyeless Jack, this is Lily. Lily this is Eyeless Jack." I waved at him and he waved also.

"Nice to meet you Lily. Jeff has said so much about you." I giggled a bit and Jeff took me and we headed into the living room. There was a kid who looked a lot like Link and a little girl covered in blood and dirt playing video games.

"That's BEN and Sally." I nodded and a smiling dog came up to Jeff. "This is my dog Smile." I smiled and pet Smile.

"Such a nice dog Jeff."

After about an hour of meeting new people, Jeff decided we should go outside. There was a lot of CreepyPastas that lived in this mansion. That probably explains why the mansion is huge. "Hey Jeff can we go visit Alexia?"

"Yeah. Let's go." he said as he changed into his illusion form.

We walked to the hospital and asked to visit Alexia. The receptionist gave us visitors passes and we walked to Alexia's room.

Alexia's P.O.V.

I woke up in an all white room. Where was I? I had a huge headache and I can't remember anything that happened for the last few days. The last thing I remember was finding that guy in our room. Man I'm still pretty pissed that Lily did that to me. I just don't understand why I don't remember anything that happened after that. A middle-aged woman came in the room I was in. "Excuse me miss, but can you tell me where I am?"

"Alexia dear, your in a hospital."


"Your friend found you in the kitchen passed out from blood loss."

"Oh.." Now I was starting to remember the details of what happened. Why did I have to act like an immature child. "How long have I have been here for?"

"About a month."

"No way..." I was at a loss for words. Lily must be so freaked out right now. Just then there was a knock on the door. The nurse opened the door. There in the doorway, stood my best friend crying tears of joy.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now