Chapter 4

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Lily's P.O.V.

This shitty day was finally coming to a close. I sighed. Now all I have to do is sit in this pointless detention session for an hour. I really hated that history teacher, he is honestly such a dick. Pointless to even bother reasoning with the damn guy. Why even bother giving me detention on the first day of school? Should have just sent me to the principal's office instead of letting me stay in class. I am really tempted to skip this detention, but I don't want to disappoint my dad even more than I already have. I really don't want to go home right now and face him since he will most likely yell at me. I walked into Mr. Jordan's room and choose to sit all the way in the back next to the window since I wanted to be as far away from the guy as possible. I threw my stuff onto my desk and let out a loud sigh. This was going to be a very long, boring hour since I am not allowed to do anything the whole time I am here. I looked out the window. Maybe there will be something outside to entertain me while I sit here in this suffocating silence. I saw a figure standing outside. My heart sank when I realized who it was. It was that crazy guy from earlier today, am I ever going to get a break from him? The fucker was staring at me. I took a deep breath. I shouldn't yell at the fuck face anymore since that seems to really piss him off, so maybe if I am nicer to the dude, he'll leave me alone. I really hope this works, since I would love for him to leave me the fuck alone. I smiled at the man and gave a slight wave, since I did not want to alert Mr. Jordan on what was happening right now. The man totally didn't see it coming and he stood there in shock for a few moments before waving back with a creepy smile on his face. I wonder why this man likes wearing creepy ass masks. I shuddered at the look of his face, it looked like there were huge knife slits to form a smile. Those can't be real right? It's still really hard to tell what his face looks like though since his face was mostly hidden in the hoodie. Still... where have I seen him before? He turned and ran towards the forest. Alright, what the hell is his problem? All I did was wave to him. Oh well, I guess. At this point I felt exhausted from the events that have occurred today, so I decided to put my head down on my desk and ended up falling asleep.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I was taking my usual stroll through the park in order to look for some victims. I was startled when I heard something loud slam down onto what I was assuming a desk. Boy, does it sound like someone was pissed off. Looking over at where I heard the noise, I saw Lily. Huh, it seems that I keep bumping into her a lot during today. Must be destiny for me to kill her. I didn't realize that I was staring at her again until she looked over at me. She had a look of curiosity spread across her face, which I wad found troubling since every time that I have seen her throughout the day she'd act like a complete bitch. I was preparing myself for her to tell me off or to give me some dirty looks due to her having quite a short temper, but I ended up being surprised. She gave me one of the sweetest, most innocent smiles that I've ever seen and a gentle wave. I just stood there in shock, having no idea what to do. Is this really the same girl from earlier?... Of course it was, but it seems that she had a completely new personality. I felt my cheeks heat up. What the fuck is wrong with me? I gave her a quick wave before turning around and I ran towards the forest. I'm such a dumb ass, I can't let my emotions fall for this woman, I'm supposed to kill her.

Lily's P.O.V.

I didn't end up sleeping for the whole detention, as Mr. Jordan slammed some books down onto my desk. "Here. You are not allowed to sleep in detention. Get started on the homework that I assigned in class today." He mumbled. I glared up at him, reluctantly giving into starting the homework.

When my hour of detention was finally over, I managed to finish the assignment that was given to me, so I turned it in to the asshole. I gathered all my things and started to walk home. I was going to call my dad to come pick me up but decided not to since I wasn't ready yet to be yelled at. I felt really lonely all of a sudden for some reason. I sighed. I think something really bad has happened, I can just feel it. I finally walked up to my front door and unlocked it to be greeted by loud sobbing coming from the living room. I threw all my things by the front door and quickly ran to the living room finding my dad on the couch with tears streaming down his face. "DAD!? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Looking at my dad broke my heart. I've never in my life seen him this upset about something, so I gave him a big hug.

"I-it's.... your m-m-mother..." He lost it after he said this.

"Mom? What do you mean? What happened!?" I was trying my best to hold back the tears to stay strong for my dad.

"She's d-d-dead Lily... S-she was m-m-murdered today on that business trip that she went on..." After hearing those words, I lost it. Unable to hold back my tears, I felt myself starting to sob, hugging my dad again.

"NO!!! THAT CAN'T BE TRUE, SHE CAN'T BE DEAD!" All he was able to do was give a small nod, continuing to cry. I felt like someone just stabbed me in the heart. I'm so devastated, but I am also pissed. My loving mother was murdered... Whoever did this is going to pay for what they have done. Without looking back at my dad, I ran to my room and cried myself to sleep.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now