Chapter 25

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Lily's P.O.V.

When I saw that Alexia was awake, I couldn't help but start crying. I missed my best friend so much. I never wanted to lose her ever again. I ran over to her bed and gave her a huge hug. "Lexi don't you ever scare me like that ever again! I thought I lost you!" She was also crying.

"I'm so sorry Lily! It'll never happen again I promise!" We kept hugging until we heard a throat clearing from behind us. I pulled back and looked back at Jeff.

"Lexi, this is my boyfriend Jeff. He saved me from a kidnapping that happened a couple days ago.." Jeff waved at her and she waved back. She looked back at me in shock.

"How did you get kidnapped?"

"Long story, but I'm glad that Jeff was able to get to me."

She nodded her head and turned to Jeff. "If you hurt my best friend I swear to god I will kill you." Jeff just chuckled a bit.

"No need to worry. I will never hurt my precious Lily." She glared at him for a bit longer and looked back at me.

"Hey doc, when do I get to leave?"

"Well everything looks fine so you can go home now if you please."

"That would be great. I don't think I want to be here any longer." Alexia said as she got up an walked over to her clothes.

I grabbed Jeff's hand. "We will be waiting outside for you." She nodded her head and we left the room. We waited outside for her. I looked over at Jeff. "I'm so glad that she is ok. You know your the main reason why she is still alive." Jeff looked at me with a confused look on his face. "Your the one who told me that she was downstairs."

"Oh.. But your the one who called the ambulances and found her in the first place." He did have a point.

We were interrupted by Alexia jumping on my back. "You ready to go lovebirds?"

"Yep." I said popping the p. She laughed and we all skipped to our house. We were all in a good mood from Alexia recovering from her injuries.

We were all interrupted by a cloud of black dust appearing in front of us.

Sally's P.O.V.

Ever since Jeff got Lily back, he was in a better mood now. I finally got to meet her and she's not as bad as I thought she was. She was super nice and she would never steal Jeff away from me. But as soon as Jeff and Lily left the mansion earlier today, things have gone to hell here.

Laughing Jack appeared here out of nowhere and he was not very happy. He demanded that he was able to see Lily but Slendy told him that he wasn't allowed to since he lost the fight and he had a tantrum. Things are scattered everywhere and there's a lot of broken glass. After his tantrum, he said that he just wanted to be friends with Lily, nothing more than that. When we told him that she was with Jeff visiting her friend in the hospital, he sort of calmed down until dumbass Ben told him why Alexia was in the hospital. Jack is now blaming Jeff for ruining Lily's whole life and that he should have never fell for a human.. Things have just been crazy here.

He eventually disappeared into a black smoke. I really hope that he doesn't do anything stupid or hurt anybody again. Everyone got to go search for him, but I had to stay home. I hope I don't miss anything. I defiantly hope that nobody will get injured or worse.. Killed.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now