Chapter 14

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Lily's P.O.V.

I felt heart broken that he just left like that. Alexia had to ruin everything by walking up here. I told her I would be right down. I rolled my eyes. I really wanted to know what he wanted to tell me. I hope I will be able to see him again soon. Alexia finally stopped screaming.

"Who the hell was that Lily?!?!? And why the hell were you hugging him?"

I just snapped at her. "It is none of your fucking business Alexia!! Am I not allowed to have other friends? Your not my mother!!!" I instantly felt bad about what I said.

She started crying. "I thought we were friends Lily!!!"

"We are!! I'm so sorry Lily! I don't know what got over me." She just looked at me and shook her head. She turned around and ran. "Alexia! Please come back I'm really sorry!!!" I could feel tears in my eyes. This is the first time we had ever fought. I hope we will make up. I mean that's what friends do every once in awhile, right? I sighed. I always ruin everything. I wiped away my tears. I just hope she was going to come back. I grabbed my stuff and walked to the mall.

Alexia's P.O.V.

I can't believe that Lily yelled at me. I know it was an accident but still. It really hurt my feelings. I think we still are friends but I don't know. This was the first time that we ever got into an argument. I hope it will never happen again. I just need to be by myself for awhile to take my mind of things. I walked to the mall. I still wanted to look for a job. I'm relieved that I won't have to go to school anymore. It takes a lot of stress off me. When I was walking, I saw Lily. I stayed on the other side of the street so that she didn't see me. She looked very upset. She was not one to fight with friends. I sighed. I hope she was okay.

When I got to the mall, the first store I went to was JCPennys. I asked for a job application and then I filled it out. I was amazed that I got an interview right away. Wish me luck.

Lily's P.O.V.

I went straight to hot topic when I got to the mall. I really wanted to work there. It was my favorite store! 'Yes!!!' I thought. There was a help wanted sign in the window. I walked in the store and I felt like I was home. I walked up to the cash register and asked for a job application. The guy at the register smiled and handed me the application. I grabbed a pen and walked over to a bench to fill it out.
A guy walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "What?" I asked. I looked up at him. He looked really familiar. Where have I seen him before?

"I just wanted to come and say hi."

"Oh well hi there. It's nice to meet you. Now if you will excuse me, I have a job application to fill out." I went back to filling out the application.

"Ok." He sat down next to me. I quickly finished filling out the application and I got up. "Bye!" He said.

"Good bye." I walked over to the guy at the register and handed him the application.

"Thanks miss. We will give you a call later for an interview. Have a nice day."

"You too!" I walked out and went to go get a warm pretzel. I was really craving them right now.


After I got my pretzel, I walked to the house. I couldn't stop thinking about Jeff. What did he want to tell me? There was something about him that made me like him. I couldn't believe I was actually falling for a killer. Maybe my life will be a lot more interesting.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I followed Lily after we said our good byes. I'm thinking about going to her house and wait for her, but I don't want her friend to see me again. I don't want to kill someone else that Lily loved. Lily walked over to the warm pretzel place so I decided I was just going to meet her at her house. When I made it to the forest, I took off my illusion form. I pulled up my hood and walked up to the place that Lily was staying at.

Yay! I finally did Alexia's P.O.V. Should I continue to write her perspective along with Lily and Jeff? I'm starting to run out of ideas for this story. Any ideas of what you guys want to happen? Sorry if this was a crappy chapter. I was in the car at 1 in the morning so I'm really tired. Please comment, vote and possibly follow.


My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now