Chapter 17

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Lily's P.O.V.

The ambulances finally got to the house and I quickly led them to where Alexia's at. I cried even harder when they took her away. The paramedic patted my shoulder and left. I have to go visit Alexia in the hospital soon. I hope she will be ok. I grabbed a mop and began to mop up where all the blood was. I didn't need any reminders of what just happened.

After I finished cleaning up, I put the mop away and went up to the room. I put on my sweatshirt and my converse. I think I'm going to go to the park. I walked to the park and went to the top of the play-set and sat on the top of the slide. I came up here whenever something bad ever happened. It was like my little getaway from my life for a little. I sat there and cried my eyes out.

"Why so sad there child?" Someone said from behind me.

"I'm not a child!"

The guy from behind me chuckled. "Do you want some candy?" He started snickering.

"No." I stood up and looked behind me. I freaked out when I saw him. He was a clown!! He was dressed in black and white stripes and he had a pointy nose. He had shoulder length black hair. I backed away from him slowly. I hated clowns so much. I felt like I was going to pass out from fear but I stayed strong. When I walked back, he walked forward. "What do you want?"

"Heh I just want a new friend. Are you afraid of me?" I quickly shook my head. "Liar!" He yelled at me smiling insanely showing his razor sharp teeth. I screamed and jumped off the play set. I winced at the sudden pain. I quickly started running away and I ended up running into Jeff.

Jeff's P.O.V.

I quickly hugged Lily. "What's the matter Lily? I ran as soon as I heard you scream."

"There's a clown chasing me!" She started crying in my shoulder.

God dammit Laughing Jack. I looked up to see Lj walking up to us. "What did you do to her!"

He chuckled. "I didn't do anything to your precious girlfriend Jeff." He smirked like the maniac he was. I growled at him.

"Stay away from her Jack!"

He just chuckled. "For now Jeffy." He said before disappearing.

I looked down at Lily. "It's ok now. He is gone." She nodded still shaking. I picked her up bridal style and walked toward her house. She soon fell asleep in my arms. I smiled. I would tell her to go visit her friend in the hospital when she woke up. I sat on her bed with Lily still laying on me, and I fell asleep.

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now