Chapter 26 (Final)

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Lily's P.O.V.

When I saw that black smoke appear, I knew exactly what it was. It was Laughing Jack and I think he wants to get his revenge. I quickly grabbed Alexia and hugged her. I made sure that we were hidden behind Jeff. I whispered in her ear, "Shh.. Jeff will keep us safe. I'll explain everything later." I could tell that she was scared because she was shaking like crazy. I tried to calm her down the best I could. Then I heard his voice.. I really wanted to strangle that guy. I felt a whole lot of things that I didn't understand, but I'm really liking them. I felt like my personality was changing. I felt myself changing into a new person. I have a huge headache right now and  it needed to go away...

Jeff's P.O.V.

I took a defensive stance when Laughing Jack appeared. Lily grabbed Alexia and they both were hiding behind me. "What do you want Jack?" I spat. 

He started snickering. "I want my revenge Jeff. I thought you already knew that."

I growled at him. "SlenderMan said for you to leave me and Lily alone."

"Indeed he did, but do you think I would really listen to him? He means nothing to me. Now hand over Lily before blood gets spilled."

"You know that is never going to happen Jack." But before either of us could say anymore, I heard Lily growl. That was no normal growl either.. It sounded almost demonic.. Out of nowhere, Lily sprinted her ways toward Jack and tackled to the ground. "Lily what do you think your doing?" I yelled over at her. She just ignored me and I watched the scene ravel out. I was horrified at what happened next.

Lily's P.O.V.

I tackled that bastard to the ground. He looked like he was shocked. Heh, serves him right. I'm going to teach him a lesson. I put my hands around his neck and squeezed as hard as I could. All he did was snicker. "Do you think this is funny? Well it's not!!" I screamed in his face. He continued his snickering. I let go of his neck to see that I left nail marks on his neck that were bleeding. That blood looked so beautiful.. I wanted to see more!! I looked around to find something sharp and I found a glass bottle. Heheheh.. I picked up the bottle and hit it against Jack's head, making him bleed even more and the bottle shatter. I started laughing like a maniac. I loved this so much. The only thing that I wasn't loving was that he was still snickering. I took the now broken glass bottle and just sliced all the skin I could see on Jack. Soon he was covered in cuts and blood was gushing everywhere. So much blood, it was so beautiful! He finally stopped snickering and he finally looked like he was in a great amount of pain. "You desevre that!!" I started hitting him on the head with the bottle. "DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!" I screamed. 

"I can't die sweetheart.. now if you excuse me, I found a new person that I can have instead of you. Tootles.." What the hell did he mean by that? He vanished from under me which made me fall down on the ground onto the broken glass bottle. I yelped out in pain and I quickly stood up and turned around to see Jack reapear behind the shocked Alexia. "Bye Lily and Jeff!" Jack said as he disappeared with my best friend. I started to cry. Nonononononono I couldn't lose my best friend again. 

Jeff ran over to me and looked at me. I was covered in Jack's blood and my own. I finally felt the pain from the broken glass bottle that was pushed into my side. I screamed out in pain and Jeff quickly came to my side. "Lily, I know this is going to hurt but it needs to come out." I nodded and I shut my eyes and waited for the great pain that was coming. He quickly pulled out the bottle and I let out another scream of pain. "Shhhh.. It's okay Lily, it's out now." He said as he gave me a quick hug. Then he took off his hoodie and wrapped it tightly around my wound. "We will clean that up as soon as we get home okay?"

"Okay.. but Jack took Alexia! We have to get her back!" I wiped my eyes.

"I know.. we will get her back.. But the thing is.. it is going to take awhile before we can actually find her. And what was that back there?"

I nodded my head. "Ok... and I honestly don't know Jeff. It was like a was a whole different person. I was super mad at him and I wanted to see him in misery and then that happened."

"Oh.. Well lets get home." 

I nodded my head once more. As we were walking home, I looked up at Jeff. "I'm getting Alexia back. Even if it is the last thing I do."

{The name of the sequel is Determined}

My Precious Lily (Jeff the Killer love story) *Heavy Editing*Where stories live. Discover now