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This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't, Sebastian couldn't believe it. He watched as his partner walked away from him in furry. He watched as the man he loved descended down the stairs without looking back and he felt his heart weep with sorrow. Fresh hot tears brimmed his eyes. He couldn't let this happen, not now, not ever. Sebastian hurried down the hospital stairs leading out, just before Peter closed the door he grabbed onto the handle and pulled, jumping in and shutting the door, by then the tears had fallen.

"Peter, let's talk about this. "Sebastian said with his voice thick with emotion. Peter ignored him and told the driver the address." Peter, please, "Sebastian reached over to touch the other man's hand. He ran his thumb over the calloused hand, loving the feel and the look of the soft hair.

"Sebastian, there is nothing to talk about." Peter said, taking his hand away from Sebastian's. He stared at his empty hand with tears falling.

"What did I do wrong? "He whispered brokenly.

"Please, be quiet." Sebastian's mouth closed shut, with tight lips he slumped into his chair, he looked at the man he's loved since forever and wondered who he was because suddenly, he didn't recognise him. They sat in silence and Sebastian could already feel the space increase between them, the fact alone brought tears to his eyes.

"Peter..."Sebastian whispered, looking over at his spouse who stared out the window. "Can we talk, please?" He asked softly, reaching over to touch thw other man's hand who only pulled away.

"Let me think, ok. " Sebastian opened his mouth but no sound came out. He went silent, he felt as though he were being crush from the inside. The cab stopped at their large mansion and Peter bolted after paying the cab, leaving Sebastian sad and broken. He exited and stood as the cab drove, slowly he made his way towards their home.

He made his way up stairs, he could hear the multiple doors open and close. He heard the familiar springs bounce as he inched closer to their bedroom. His eyes burned with fresh tears as the reality settled. He stopped at the door way and watched as Peter packed hia belongings.

"Peter, "he croaked and the man held up his hand.

"Sebastian, please. Don't make this difficult."

"Difficult? It doesn't seem to bother you at all, Peter. If anything is difficult, it sure doesn't look like it. "He said lowly, Sebastian has never been one for yelling in anger.

"Sebastian," Peter sighed and held onto the drawer, "I just cannot do this anymore."

"Do what? Love me? "Peter turned at his words and Sebastian took a step into the room.

"I do love you, Sebastian." He fel his blood boil, he didn't want the excuses, the pity and he hated himself for crying.

"Is this what you call love, Peter? Because, let me tell you, this is not it. " Sebastian said pointing to the over flowing suitcase. Peter went silent and Sebastian bit his lip." So, I guess this is it? Just like that you are going to end a marriage without even attempting to fix what's wrong? "

"I have tried, Sebastian."

"Not hard enough. "He said fiercely, his brother's voice echoed in his mind." You made a vow, Peter, an oath to love me and always be there in sickness and health...till death do we part. What happened to that? " Peter bit his lip as they stared. Sebastian saw the tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just...don't think I can love you anymore." There was a loud crack within Sebastian's ears, it rang out in his head as his heart gave the worst pain imaginable. His heart had been shattered. "I've been thinking about it for a while."

"How long is a while? "He heard himself ask but in all truth, he was numb.

"A while," Peter only said and Sebastian gave him a fierce glare, one that scared most people, "A month."

"So, you've spent a month, thinking this through, trying to find a way out. Fantasising about my reactions to all scenarios and finally you thought to do it the day my brother ends up in hospital because of your own family member. " Peter suddenly looked angry and it pained Sebastian that it wasn't because of their departure.

"At least your brother is alive." He said angrily.

"He would have been too if he wasn't such a mental case. "Peter walked over to him and a sharp sting enveloped Sebastian's cheek. He held the sore spot, looking into the maddened eyes of his husband.

"Don't you ever, disrespect Elton ever again." Peter sniffed, "I have a plane ticket to Canada, my assistant will come get the rest of my stuff tomorrow." He stated angrily as he walked over to his suitcase. "You can keep the house." He said and locked his bag and picked it up, walking passed him he paused. "I'm sorry I hurt you." He stood as though ready to say more but decided against it.

Sebastian stood there alone for the longest time. Peter had left him, he slapped him for the first time in 13 years. He blinked, the tears falling one by one. He made his way to the bed he was often made love to and fell to his knees. He closed his eyes and allowed himself the chance to let his heart bleed. Not only is his brother in the hospital, his marriage ended within seconds. What made that worse was the fsct that in a week, he was supposed to celebrate their 13th marriage anniversary.


They say you never know what you had until it's gone. It applied to people too. You never know who you had until he is gone. Sebastian thought to himself hours later, photo album in hand. He never really knew who he had until he left him. He held the bottle of red wine up to his lips and took a long sip. He stared at the wedding photo of Peter and him, how happy they were, so young and innocent.

"You once told me, that you would love me forever, no matter what, "Sebastian said out loud to the photo with a slight slur." You said, you said you-hiccup-would always want me, and...only me. I believed you...I believed you. " He whispered the last part, his brows furrowed." What happened? "He said even lower. The sound of clicking shoes echoed and Sebastian looked up, his head heavy and he swallowed as a woman stood at his door. She was an old woman, Sebastian alway saw her as his mother in this large home. He smiled a lopsided smile and the grey haired woman.

"Dios, are you okay, Sebastian, what happened? "Her Spanish accent was familiar to Sebastian, it was being home. He gave her a small sad smile as she kneeled before him.

"He left me, Mrs. Hernandez. He's not coming back." He gave a sob and the woman let out a bad sad smile.

"Oh, Sebastian. "She said and held him to her chest.

"I don't understand," he whispered. "I don't know what I did wrong." he shook his head as he looked up at her warm brown eyes. "I don't understand."

"Shhh, I'm here, I'm here. " Sebastian held on to those words, his world was already crushed, he neede to know that someone was there for him even if it was for a little while.

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