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Sebastian sat comfortably in Matt's arms as they watches the movie Evan picked out. He snuggled deeper into his boyfriends chest and the happiness which exploded I side of him was almost to much to contain. He wanted to yell to the heavens how happy he was in that moment and he could just see how happy he will be with Matt.

His brother though and Evan were no where interested in the movie. Sebastian chuckled knowing how his brother had no shame and when he wanted his man,he wasn't going to ask.

"Well," Matt began as the movie ended. "Sally is probably wondering where I am. " he said not making a move to leave. "And our hosts seem very preoccupied." Sebastian chuckled and nodded as they looked at Evan moan while the blanket covering them moved suspiciously.

"It's weird but I'm not uncomfortable." Sebastian admitted. Matt shook his head.

"Definitely weird." Matt made to stand. "I believe it is our queue." He chuckled and extended his hand to Sebastian who took it without second thought.

"Well,good bye,guys!" Sebastian said and Evan made to stand only for Christopher to pull him back down with a huff and smacked their lips together for a heated kiss which Evan melted right into.

"Well,he tried at least." Matt commented and Sebastian couldn't help laugh.

They made their way out towards Matt's car. At the cars engine roared to life Matt asked where too.

"My place." Sebastian said grinning feeling there was no time like the present to fill that place with happy memories.

Soon enough they arrived and Matt did not hold back. He shut the door behind them and attacked Sebastian like he would never get the chance too again.

Sebastian moaned as Matt sucked on his neck while he tries to get off as much of his clothes as he possibly could. He reaches over behind me to grab onto Matt's hair and pulling him closer. Sebastian furrowed his brows in bliss when his boyfriend's strong arms wrapped around him from behind and one slipped into his boxers.

Suddenly it felt like his whole body was on fire as he groaned. He arched back,pushing his plump ass into Matt's groin,grinding slowly as Matt pushed his erection into him further.

"I've missed you so much." Matt groaned. Sebastian opened his eyes as he remembered poor Sally.

"Wait,wait, " Sebastian pulled away with difficulty. He was panting as he turned to Matt who stared hungrily at him. "Sally." He said simply.

"She is fine,left her with my friend who she loves." Matt then pounced after his explanation.

They both tumbled to the floor,Sebastian was giggling as Matt let his whole weight on him.

"Matt,there is a couch right there." Sebastian grinned but Matt wasn't having it. He kissed him soundly, and deeply. Sebastian asked as he kisses back. The kiss was slow and meaningful,with it alone Sebastian felt Matt's desire,his need for him and most importantly,his love. Their tongues touched and it was like magic,Sebastian found himself lost in Matt,he couldn't think of anything but him and their passion in that simple kiss.

Sebastian pulled him closer,wrapping his legs and arms around him and pulling the unsuspecting male flush against him.

They pulled apart panting,staring into each others eyes,the sexual tension seemed to thicken as they continued studying one another. The love was deepening the longer they stared and they both smiled before joining in another heated kiss,this time more frantic as they tore each others cloths apart.

Matt prepared him impatiently,his fingers moist and slipping and sliding into Sebastian's hole. Matt wanted in,and he wanted it right now. The need to claim his boyfriend was so strong he was completely blank,all he could think was Sebastian and his heat and further assuring that he belonged to him.

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