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Sebastian chewed on the inside of his cheek,trying not to think to much. Instead he played close attention to the classical song playing in the background at the restaurant he had scheduled to meet Peter.

The man was late.

Sebastian shook his head,visibly irritated.

"Would you like to order,sir?" Sebastian stared at the brunette waiter who blushed under his stare.

"Lasagne and a coke." He decided with a nod and just as the waiter left he saw him. He also noted the beautiful woman around his arm. He couldn't believe this.

Peter really hadn't changed,the same green eyes locked onto Sebastian who felt himself react rather shamefully. It only took a moment before he reminded himself exactly what the man had done to him. Sebastian chose to look away from him. He looked at the brunette woman with the green eyes,she was beautiful and it was obvious that she knew it.

"Sebastian," Peter called and Sebastian tried for a smile as he lifted his hand in a small wave. The two looked like something out of a movie as they made their way over. The girl had on a short navy cocktail dress which had sequence on. It suited her almost painfully. Sebastian felt his stomach drop. In his mind,he felt Peter had upgraded. This made his feel terrible.

"Sebastian, you look good," Peter complimented as he stood.

"Charming as ever I see," he tried to sound snarky yet he couldn't help feel like he failed. He shook his hand and as their skin touched,Sebastian was almost sucked into the past,where things were good and simple. When they were together until the woman spoke.

Her voice was high and so feminine,Sebastian winced.

"I've heard so much about you." She also sounded like she was French. Sebastian blinked at her,her gaze following her until they sat.

"I'm sure," his answer was sarcastic. Then his food arrived. "I ordered without you,I hope it's okay." He held his breathe as he met Peter's eye,he didn't miss the twitch in his eye.

"So much fat,Sebastian," he commented and Sebastian pursed his lips.

"Experiencing loads of stress these days I'm afraid." Peter stared at him and Sebastian tried not to squirm.

"I'm sure."

They were left in a silence so thick Sebastian felt like choking and suddenly,his appetite was gone. He suddenly felt tired.

"I guess it is up to me yo get the ball rolling." The woman said," I am Patricia,by the way, Patricia DeGrund." She smiled her glossed lips shining. "Peter here is a little short on money." She said bluntly. "And is hoping you could spare some."

"Is that so," Sebastian sighed and ran a hand through his hair,"I guess he was right." Peter sucked his lips,glaring at the air behind Sebastian.

"Your brother?" His question was rhetorical and his tone was resentful. "Of course,look don't think anything of it,okay? I just need a little and you will never see me again." Sebastian shook his head.

"What I don't understand is why,you have a successful company,you don't need my money." Peter scowled

"Used to," he corrected.

"Your brother was one of the biggest investors and since he pulled out,all other investors did too and now he's nearly broke." Patricia said and called the waiter for a glass of wine.

"But,you have money,right,why can't you help him?" Peter sighed harshly and Sebastian felt himself swallow and sink into his chair in fear.

"My money isn't even in my name,yet. I come from old money and the only way to get access to it is to get married,but the man I marry is expected to take out a sum of cash in payment for marrying me." Sebastian sat up.

"So..." He whispered staring at the both of them,Peter rolled his eyes at him. "You can't afford this sum and you want the money so that you can marry her and get hold of this money?" Sebastian suddenly felt very disgusted in himself for ever loving this man. "Who are you?" He asked in anger, he found himself grabbing onto Patricia's glass of wine and downed the whole thing,surprising the two. "Do you even love her?" He found himself asking staring into Peter's eyes which had darkened significantly. "Did you ever love me?" He sniffed then and found himself taking the wine bottle out of the bucket which had been set up while they spoke. He poured himself another glass.

"Sebastian," Peter sighed. "I did love you,okay? But now, it isn't about us." Sebastian rolled his eyes, he could feel himself getting drunk after he downed the third glass. He called the waiter then.

"Check please," he asked and looked down at his food," I'll take this to go." The waiter nodded as the couple blanched.

"Sebastian,we a-"

"We are done,here." He said feeling rather courageous. "You are a filthy money hungry asshat who let go of the best thing to ever happen to you and you know what? I'm happier without you. " he stood and burped. "Have a nice day,lovebirds." He rolled his eyes, as the check came his way. He gave his card then and went to the front desk.

"Sir? Shall we call you a cab?" Sebastian frowned but shook his head at the woman at the desk.

"I'll walk." He took the take out bag and exited the restaurant. He took a deep breath of fresh air as he walked on towards whoever knows when.

He was surprised to find that he had no tears,he had been so sure before that seeing Peter would unravel the tightly kept composure he had going. It would break the last string he had which kept him from insanity.

He walked passed an alley and paused as he saw a girl,dirty and probably hungry. He looked down at his take out bag and offered it to her. She widened her eyes and took it hesitantly.

"Thank you,mister." Sebastian offered her a smile before moving away so that she wouldn't feel too weird about him.

He stumbled upon a park in a quiet neighbourhood a bit away. It was well kept but small. There weren't many people around which he felt was just perfect.

He found a tree then and settled against it,breathing soundly. He finally wondered then if his actions would come around and bit him,if he would feel Peter's wrath someday soon. He shook his head as a smiling blue eyed boy in a ridiculous blue hat popped up in his mind and he found himself smiling in a helpless daze.

He fished in his pocket,pulling out his phone he began to text his boyfriend who,as he slowly blinked,was the reason why he had been able to see through Peter's nonsense.

How's it going,sexy?

Oh man,you must be drunk if you think this is your boyfriend.

Sebastian blinked furiously and gasped with a giggle.

"Oh,I am!" He laughed to himself. He tested his brother not to worry and that he was just out of it when a throat cleared above him.

"You look familiar." Sebastian's eyes widened at the sight of the handsome Mr.Hain.

"You...uh..." He tilted his eyes unsure what he could say in that moment. "Here," he ended up saying and the man laughed.

"I believe you are dating my cousin." He said,"and you don't look to good."

"Mmm,you are smart." The man smiled dazzlingly and hoisted Sebastian up into his arms. Sebastian in his drunken stupor hummed and licked his lips,his hand gripping Mr.Hain's bicep.

"I like you," he chuckled," I'm going to take you back to my place,is that alright? It's right across the street."

"Oh,Mr.Gain,naughty man,huh." Sebastian giggled as he was carried bridal style,he laid his head on the broad shoulder of the lean yet muscular man.

"Oh,you are definitely drunk." Mr.Gain commented with a smirk,staring down at the handsome drunk features of Sebastian Ward. "Please,call me Frank."

"We shall see!" Sebastian giggled. "Onwards my stead!" He slapped a hand on his mouth and tried not to throw up. "Oh,boy," he mumbled then as suddenly it was too much and he hacked all over the man's incredible shirt. "I can pay for that."

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