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Mrs.Hain sipped her tea calmly, her pinky in the air. Mr.Hain  had his gaze fixes on the couple.

"So,Sebastian, tell us a bit about yourself." Mrs.Hain. said getting the ball rolling.

"Uhm...well,I enjoy baking,but I can't cook to save my life." Sebastian joked and she laughed along with Matt. "I love animals."

"Really, did you see the horses?"

"Yes,I saw coming in,they are beautiful, Mrs.Hain."

"Please, call me Lucinda."

"Well,Lucinda," Sebastian smiled. "I've always wanted to ride but I never got the chance."

"You should get Matt to teach you,he was brilliant horseback rider."  She praised. "Won a gold medal for it too. " She nodded with so much pride in her eyes,Sebastian could see the love in her eyes for her son. It warmed him to the core.

"Anyway," Matt laughed feeling rather awkward talking about his accomplishments.

"What so you do,Sebastian?" Mr.Hain asked staring daggers into the man. Sebastian drank his tea having expected this question.

"I work for Ward Enterprises & Company." He said,nodding along to his words.

"He co-owns it with his brother." Matt said rolling his eyes at Sebastian down playing his roll in the company.

"So,you are financially stable? You are completely dependent?" Mr.Hain raised a brow. "The business isn't falling apart?" Sebastian looked at him in wonder.


"I just want to know,Matt." Mr.Hain snapped.

"It's okay," Sebastian said. "It is very stable,sir,still going very strong. " he supplied.

"So you are not after my son's money? Or the one he would inherit when we pass?" Sebastian bit his lip taking a deep breath.

"No,sir. I do not want your son's or your money. " he answered calmly. "I myself come from very old money,I have enough to live happily for a very long time. Money has never been a problem for me." Sebastian said staring Mr.Hain dead in the eye.

"Oh,God." Matt huffed,rubbing his handnover his face. "I'm sorry,Sebastian." He whispered looking at him.

"It's okay," Sebastian smiled. "My brother would ask the same questions really." Sebastian turns to Mr. Hain who nods at him.

Briefly there was an awkward silence as they drank their drinks.

"So,you work with your brother?" Lucinda asked. "How nice,must be fun having your brother so close. And your parents?"

"They died,years ago. " Sebastian nodded and Lucinda frowned. "Drunk driver." He said simply,just like that the atmosphere grew less tense.

"Oh honey." Mr.Hain rolled his eyes at his wife. "That's terrible."

"At first,but now it's all good."

"So,are you close? With your brother?"

"Yes," Sebastian grinned. "He's the best."

"Is he married?"

"Yes, happily so."

"Also to a man?" Mr.Hain asked with a raised brow.

"Dad." Matt hissed,glaring at the old man who only shrugged

"What? I was only wondering. It might run in the family." Mr.Hain rolled his eyes. Sebastian pursed his lips,he'd concluded that Matt's father was almost too impossible.

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