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His name was Nathan and he was only 24 years old. Sebastian kissed him with a deep furious passion, he was drunk off his ass, that was the only reason he actually enjoyed it. Nathan tasted like vodka and chips, salty. It was new and exciting, but it didn't fill any void growing in Sebastian. They stumbled through Nathan's apartment, he was a wild one, Sebastian had to admit as they pulled away for air, Nathan trailed kisses down his throat, Sebastian grabbed the younger man's ass, squeezing the small round cheeks and the man moaned.

"Let's get naked. "Nathan whispered and lead him to the bedroom. Sebastian blinked and tried to get his vision to be stable. Nathan giggled and Sebastian grinned drunkenly at him. Nathen pushed him onto the bed and he bounced. Sebastian kept his eyes on Nathen who took off his shirt, revealing his smooth and tanned skin. Sebastian blinked as Nathen took his pants off, attempting to be sexy by shaking his hips a bit, Sebastian was not very attracted to it. He liked his men strong and dominant, not giggling and cute.

Nathen stood naked before him, his cock bobbing as he approached Sebastian, it was a fairly good size but not large enough for Sebastian. The man crawled to him and began unbutton in his shirt while laying kisses on his neck and chest. Sebastian closed his eyes and tried to imagine something that would make him hard, make him want sex. Peter flashed beneath his eyelids and he sighed.

Nathen slid his slim hand between his legs and began to massage him through his jeans. Sebastian allowed himself to enjoy him as nathen got his pants off and finally both of them lay naked on the bed.

"You are so handsome. "Nathen said huskies as he spread Sebastian's legs and laid kisses on the inside of his thighs." Your cock is so long. "He moaned and grabbed onto his length. Sebastian furrowed his brows as the man began to stroke him and then covered his head with his mouth. Sebastian gave a shaky moan as he relaxed onto the bed, beginning to enjoy the contact. He groaned as Nathan swallowed him whole, bobbing his head on his length and making him harder.

Sebastian moaned but he was not satisfied. This meant nothing, it was simply a distraction and he felt the self hate bubbling beneath the drunken stupor.

"Nathan! "Sebastian boltes up right at the loud banging and Nathan let go of his cock. They both looked at the door as it banged open and a large man stood seething. Sebastian's eyes widened at the man's size.

"Josh," Nathan whispered.

"I'm going to kill you! "The man declared staring at Sebastian who jumped to gather his things as Nathan ran for the larger than life man.

"Josh, no, I thought I told you never to come back." Nathen said with not concern for his nudity.

"Nathan, you know I love you, how can you expect that? Move ao I can kill that fucker for taking advantage of my man. "Josh pushed Nathan who let out a frustrated groan.

"Josh, if you don't leave I'm calling the police." Sebastian's eyes widened as Josh came over him, he had his pants on and his shirt wasn't buttoned.

"Look, I don't want any trouble, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, he didn't say he was with someone. "Josh only growled at him before raising his fisted hand up and sucker punching him right in the jaw.

"You leave my man alone, or else I won't be so kind next time." Sebastian cupped his painfull jaw and looked at Nathan who gapped then he walked around the large guy and out the door. Not only was he in pain, he was suddenly very much sober. The buzz of alcohol had lost affect. He sighed and heard the low moan of Nathan in the apartment. Sebastian shook his head and begsn fixing himself. He pocketed his hands and walked away. Surely that was something to learn from, sex with strangers will not be his coping mechanism.

He felt the burn of tears and grabbed his phone. He dialled the number he promiced Evan he wouldn't. He sat on the staircase of the apartment building as it ran.

"Hello. "


"Sorry, I can't get to the phobe right now, leave a message and I will surely get back to you. " Sebastian clenched his eyes tightly as the voice mail beeped. He wasn't sure what made him do it, but he left a message.

"Peter, it's me." He sniffed. "I guess I just wanted to hear your voice, know how your doing... I just...I want to talk. I know we are supposed to be getting a divorce but...isn't there something I can do?" Sebastian had hit rock bottom, not even a week and he just knew, no matter how much he wanted it not to be, he missed Peter, needed him beside him, he didn't think he could handle it. The phone beeped and he felt more pathetic than usual, he had disappointed himself and everyone else. He just wasn't strong enough.

He sobbed, he couldn't hold back now, he let the tears fall as he cried all by himself, without a shoulder to cry on or a person to confide in. He felt completely and utterly alone. He blinked as he felt his pocket vibrate, he rushed to get his phone out. He sniffed and cleared his throat as he glanced at the caller Id. He let out a breath and slid the button.

"Hey, Evan, something wrong? "He tried to sound as normal as possible, as okay as he could.

"Hello, Sebastian, I was just checking if you were okay." His voice was low, so soft and hesitant. Sebastian smiled, he was so happy for his brother who had found himself a nice young man like Evan, he was lucky and Sebastian couldn't be any happier for his brother who deserved happiness.

"Oh, I'm fine Evan." he said, lying through hia teeth.

"Are you sure? "He could imagine Evan looking down, thumbing the fabric of his clothes.

"I'm sure... How is Christopher?" Sebastian said as he stood, making his way to his car.

"He's alright, pretty upset about his leg though. "Sebastian could hear the fondness in the other man's voice, he envied it more now so than ever.

"The independent ass obviously hates his now inability to walk without help." Evan gave a shy giggle which warmed Sebastian.

"So, what are you doing? "Sebastian felt bile rush up his throat and embarrassment coarse through him.

"Uh...getting into my car...heading home."

"Oh, well, would you like to come over? Watch a movie? "Sebastian wanted nothing more than to go home and drown himself." Christopher says you have to. " Sebastian could hear the pout in his voice. Of course Evan was still with his brother, they were almost inseparable these days.

"Of course, should I pick you up and we head over together?" There was a pause.

"Your brother said that would be preferred. " Sebastian chuckled before they said their good-bye. He tried to keep himself calm, trying to convince himself that it would be a good thing. A good distraction.

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