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They sat by the fireplace, wine glasses in hand and bright beaming smiles. It was simply marvelous. Sebastian felt so young again, safe and warm. Even after so many dates together, it felt like the first time every time.

While he was having a marvelous time, he couldn't help wonder about Peter and what Even had shared with him days ago. How he was possibly struggling with money. Sebastian took a sip of his wine when he felt the careful touch of Matt's fingers on his wrist.

"I fear that something troubles you, "he whispered, his eyes eyed amd curious." I hope everything is alright. "Sebastian tried for a smile, which was not very convincing.

"It's nothing, really." He sighed, inching closer to Matt.

"You can tell me, if you want. "Sebastian stared into his eyes for the longest moment and reached out, running his hand through his soft hair.

"I may have been out of the game for a while, but I'm certain, what troubles me should not be your trouble." Matt gives him a reassuring and understanding smile.

"Well, what ever it may be, I do hope, it sorts itself out soon. "He chuckles lightly before a bark is heard and Sally comes bounding towards them. They coo at the beautiful German Shepherd and begin to play with her." Did I tell you? "Matt began, causing Sebastian to look up at him from his position on the floor where he had Sally all over him, trying to eat his damn face off. Sebastian was a fit of laughter.

"No, perhaps not." He chuckled as Sally barked and pawed his face, urging him to look at her for another lick. Matt laughed at the too and sat on the couch, calling Sally over.

"Sally, here made a friend. "Sebastian sat up beaming." A - " Matt covered Sally's ears and leaned towards Sebastian who had come to sit beside them," Boyfriend. "Sebastian gasped in shock, widening his eyes far to much.

"No!" He said in surprise.

"Yes! "Matt grinned," I have never before seen her so eager to walk in the dog park as she is now that she's meet James. "Sally perked up at the name and thw pair couldn't help laugh as she jumped for the seat and immediately went for the door. She waited, her tail wagging and she pawed for the door.

"Aaawww, Sally."

"Tomorrow, baby girl. "Matt said with promise. She huffed and bounded of to the bedroom.

Matt turned to Sebastian who smiled fondly towards the area in which Sally had disappeared.

"So, how are your brothers?" Matt asked. Sebastian smiled and shock his head.

"Unstable. "He said," At the moment they are fighting about adoption. It's ridiculous, but my brother doesn't want to hace children yet but his husband wants at least one."Sebastian sighed leaning back onto the chair. "They will figure it out though." Matt nodded.

"I'm sure they will, from what you've said about them, they love one another far too much to let this get in between them. "Matt inched closer then, his hand firmly on Sebastian's thigh, who flushed brightly as a shiver went up his spine.

"You know, you have yet to come to my house." Sebastian said out of the blue causing Matt to grin at him.

"Very true. "Sebastian nodded with a blush as he fixed his gaze onto Matt's hand which rubbed him gently over his pants.

"You should come over some time...for a movie, I mean, since, I can't cook or anything like that, but I can bake, you could come for cake, or something. I mean, no pressure or anything, just, you know, so we can say we've been at each others houses and stuff, not just me being here, which seems to be a lot nowadays. " Sebastian rambled rapidly, chuckling as he caught his breath. "Only, you know, if you want to, again, no pressure or anything, oh God, could you just kiss me already! "

Matt's brows rose as Sebastian's cheeks flushed.

"Sorry, I'm a bit flustered, and horny, mostly flustered, please ignore the sec-" Matt pressed his lips firmly against Sebastian's for a soft het heated kiss.

Sebastian sighed into the kiss and leaned forward, hocking his arm around Matt's neck and pulling him closer. He moaned as Matt stuck his tongue into his mouth and began to massage the roof of his mouth. Sebastian caught thw younger man's tongue and sucked on it, lightly grazing his teeth against it.

They panted as the pulled apart and suddenly, feeling bold, Sebastian pressed forward, falling onto Matt who was surprised but smiling. Now, chest to chest, Sebastian searched his eyes before leaning down for a much faster and heated kiss. Teeth clashed briefly before a rhythm was established. They groaned against one another and Sebastian felt as Matt trailed his hand down his shoulder to his back amd all the way down to his ass only for him to grab it without shame or hesitation. Sebastian moaned then.

Gosh, it's been so long! Was all he could think as he began rocking his hips gently against Matt, who spread his legs for better angle. They moaned together then and Sebastian pulled away for air, before ducking down to suck on Matt's supple neck. The younger male gave him better access by turning his head away, moaning softly. Then, two hands were grabbing onto his ass, squeezing and kneading them roughly and all Sebastian wanted was for them to be naked and for Matt to stick his most probably fat cock deep inside of him.

Sebastian couldn't help as his skin warmed at his crude and sexual thoughts.

Then their movement stopped.

"Sebastian, "Matt said panting, his eyes half lidded." I don't... I don't want to scare moving to fast. "Sebastian stared into his eyes amd honestly, he didn't care if it was too fast or too slow, he just wanted the moving to begin.

"I want you inside of me." Sebastian said rather boldly and Matt's eyes widened.

"Fuck, that has to be the hottest thing I've ever heard. " Then they were standing, Sebastian wrapped firmly around Matt who carried him off to the guest bedroom, where Sally was not.

Matt had his hands firmly on Sebastian's bottom as they walked into the room. They shut it and Sebastian was thrown onto the bed, he watched with heated eyes as matt took his shirt off to reveal a well defined 6 pack and a sexy V line with a hint of pube hairs.

"Are you sure about this? "Matt asked unzipping his pants," Sebastian, I won't be able to stop if you change your mind. "his voice was rough and filled with lust as he pulled the zipper down.
Sebastian felt his mind go blank as he anxiously waited for the pants to drop along with the underwear. Sebastian just nodded as he blindly took his shirt off. Then as he lay topless, Matt dropped his pants, he had gone commando and Sebastian felt his mouth drop and salivate at the sight of the well endowed Matt as well as his own dick begin to stand up tall and to attention.

This night would be long... He thought dreamily as he bit his tongue and watched as Matt crawled ontl the bed. Very long...

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